Korrik 6, 2020 Live from the road

Garðabær - Snæfellsjökull

Reported by Devashishu Torpy 625.0 km

Runners on the international Peace Run team send greetings to Iceland, the country through which they will be running this week.

This week the Peace Run in Iceland will be a combination of virtual running by an international team in different countries and a local Icelandic team who will physically run.

The virtual Peace Run last week ran through Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. This is a photo of the international team who ran from Finland to Sweden via Aland in 2018.

In 2016, running along the west coast of Denmark, north towards Norway.

In 2018, Goga and Anita carry the torch along the same west coast of Denmark, south towards Germany.

Scandanavian skies.

Swedish fields in summer.

Running on the virtual team this past week through Scandanavia was Zaya (far right) in Mongolia. She took the torch to the oldest and largest Buddhist monastery in Mongolia, Gandan.

Zaya: "I was really happy to feel that nature blessed my running with a rainbow"

At the Peace Statue in Ulaambataar.

Zaya took the torch to the Tov region where children were very excited to hear about the Peace Run and hold the torch.

Zaya: "I am offering my gratitude for being a team member on the Scandinavian Peace Run. I am really inspired and enjoyed this Peace Run".

Florbela is the coordinator for the Peace Run in Portugal.

It's important to keep hydrated.

Florbela is not ready to join the archaelogical ruins yet - she still has 50 more years of running to do!

Florbela's sister kindly acted as her photographer and support crew this week.

Padyatra is on the team representing Slovakia.

A wee bit of rain!

Padyatra reports: "This photo looks down on the river Danube which was very recently proclaimed a “Peace river” as part of the Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms program. This program dedicates places of natural beauty, monuments and even countries to the ideal of peace, to remind us about the importance of peace in our day to day life. The Danube being dedicated to peace is very symbolic. It flows from place to place, from country to country in order to stay “alive”. In the same way, the vision of peace can only stay alive when it is shared, when it is flowing from country to country, from person to person, from heart to heart".

Crossing borders, and connecting hearts!

Narmadyuti is the Peace Run coordinator in Slovenia.

Narmadyuti running with Barbi and Eli, who she believes have a very special place in their hearts for the flame of Peace. AS Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Peace Run said, "Peace is not something static. Peace is dynamic and energetic; it has infinite, eternal and immortal life-energy."

This is one way to relax after your daily Peace run. It is also a wonderful way to have Oneness with people in Australia!

Our Norwegian team of runners at the Peace Statue and Peace Flame in Oslo.

Shinja from Norway sports a retro Peace Run T-shirt from 1991.

Scandanavia has beautiful forests.

And at this time of year the sun never sets in the north.

Our second Mongolian runner is Bolormaa.

Bolormaa with her mother.

Pramodhan was running in Dortmund, Germany. He reports: "I ran to the park were we had planted the Sri Chinmoy Rose as part of the Peacerun in 2010. Since then the rose is a part of the worlds third biggest rose collection. In the photo is the Japanese part of the garden".

Planting roses in 2010.

This is how the rose looks nowadays when it is in full blossom.

Kokila (left) is the English runner this week. Here she is at the Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile in Bristol, England.

Kokila views the bridge that connects England and Wales, a bridge dedicated to Peace.

This is another bridge. The famous suspension bridge in Bristol built by Brunel.

The view from the suspension bridge.

Satyamurthi is our Italian runner.

Bella Italia!

The Midnight Sun in the Arctic Circle.

Neharika and Kagni keeping the flame of Peace a burning!

In former years the Peace Run in Norway.

Helene is running this week in her hometown of Hamburg.

With her friends in Hamburg. Hamburg is the largest container port in Europe.

Uranta is our runner in Scotland this week. He reports: "Here is a pic from my last run for the team this morning. Happy Valley... In Craiglockart... Where Wilfred Owen and Sigfried Sasson met and wrote poetry for peace".

Nitish from Holland.

Blessings from Sri Chinmoy in Edinburgh... "O Lovers of Peace, Come let us run together".

Uranta: "My 10k on the Union Canal... Stretches from Glasgow to Edinburgh... If stretched further would go through Oslo, Malmö, just north of Copenhagen and just south of Helsinki. That's a little bit longer than 10k".

In the Netherlands our runner is Nitish.

Darina is from Bulgaria, and has been running in Italy where she lives.

Sukhada is from Russia.

In 2016, the team congregate at the Peace Statue in Vaasa, Finland.

Pepino running in Sweden in 2018.

The Oslo Peace Flame.

A sumptuous feast in Sweden in 2018.

Luciana ran 20 kms in Rome this week. Makula ran 35 kms in the Ukraine.

Torch carried by
Baridhi Yonchev (Bulgaria), Batzaya Purev (Mongolia), Bolormaa Munkhdorj (Mongolia), Chahida Hammerl (Iceland), Christian Oswald (Austria), Deemanta Piroska Vargyas (Hungary), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Devesh Ghimire (Nepal), Florbela Caniceiro (Portugal), Kokila Chamberlain (Great Britain), Misa Zdenkova (Czech Republic), Narmadyuti Ridzi (Slovenia), Natashira Lecoq (France), Nitish Zuidema (Netherlands), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Pramodan Gmeiner (Germany), Satyamurthi Miotello (Italy), Sukhada Korshunova (Russia).  
Apaguha Vesely, Paramanyu Lebedev
The torch has travelled 625.0 km from Garðabær to Snæfellsjökull.

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