Gus. 20, 2020 Live from the road

Cumberland, RI - Pawtucket, RI

Reported by Harita Davies 2.0 mi

NBC 10 aired this short feature on the Sunrise "Show us Something Good" Show!

The Peace Run team and local runners met local officials outside the Cumberland Town Hall in Rhode Island to begin our mini Peace Run!

Cumberland Mayor Jeff Mutter holds the Peace Torch for the first time, following in the footsteps of a succession of Rhode Island Mayors and local officials who have supported the Peace Run over the years.

We gathered at the Cumberland- Central Falls Peace Bridge.

We all introduced ourselves and spoke about the route we usually take when we are on the road in North America, and the adaption to the 2020 Run-at-Home Peace Run.

We gave our Torch Bearer Award to both State Representative Joshua Giraldo (representing the Mayor of Central Falls, James Diossa) and the Mayor of Cumberland, Jeff Mutter, in recognition of their most sincere service and dedication to the Peace Run and their respective communities at this time.

Long time supporters of the Peace Run, State Representative Jean Philip Barros and State Representative Joshua Giraldo at the Cumberland- Central Falls Peace Bridge Plaque. This bridge uniting the two communities was the first Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossom Bridge in the world! It was dedicated in 1989, and every time the Peace Run comes to Rhode Island, local representatives of both places come out to show their support.

A big thank you to our brave team of runners and local representatives for coming out at this time to share the spirit of the Peace Run!!

A big thank you also to the Kucal family for taking part in our 2020 Run-at-Home Peace Run, every week dedicating their running miles to peace!!

Not pictured is our team running from the Cumberland-Central Falls Peace Bridge to The Pawtucket Peace Bridge, passing by Chocolateville on the way- much to the delight of Virangini!

Cumberland Mayor Jeff Mutter ran the 2.5 miles with us!
On the way, he let us know that he ran a 2:25 marathon in his younger days! Here he is pictured sharing a few words about the importance of finding inner peace at this time,

Thank you to Sergeant Spetelunas of the Pawtucket Police Department, who was ready to escort us safely between bridges. We ended up running the scenic route, so he met us at the Pawtucket Bridge instead!
A big thank you also to local Peace Run Coordinator, Sharika Xavier, (pictured center), for organizing not only today's event but Rhode Island Peace Run events for many years.

Nicole Dotzenrod of the local paper, The Valley Breeze, was happy to be able to come out to cover an inspiring story at this challenging time. You can read the story here

Brian Mulligan and Dee Bird are two wonderful people! Long-time friends of the Peace Run, they both joined our 2020 Run-at-Home team and contributed many miles. They were eager to come out today to show their support of the Peace Run by running with us between the two bridges and radiating peace and happiness through their enthusiastic oneness spirits all the way!

At the Pawtucket Peace Bridge we were joined by Carlos Lopez Estrada, representing Mayor Donald Grebien of Pawtucket. Mr Lopez Estrada has run into the Peace Run on many occasions over the years. He is deeply heart-felt, and spoke beautifully about the significance of peace at this time and embracing the diverse backgrounds of Americans. He noted our small gathering was a perfect example of peace amongst peoples originating from all over the world- he was born in El Salvador.

View from the Pawtucket Bridge.

Our heart's oneness
Is indeed
A peace-bridge-builder.
-Sri Chinmoy

We visited the beautiful statue of Peace Run Founder, Sri Chinmoy, offering our prayers for peace along with our gratitude for a wonderful Oneness-Home Peace Run day in Rhode Island!

Torch carried by
Harita Davies (New Zealand), Kushali Tarantsova (Ukraine), Mananya Galante (United States), Sharani Robins (United States), Sharika Xavier (Cape Verde), Virangini Afzal (United States).  
Accompanied by  
Dee Bird, Brian Mulligan, Jeff Mutter
Harita Davies, Kushali Tarantsova, Mananya Galante, Virangini Afzal
The torch has travelled 2.0 mi from Cumberland, RI to Pawtucket, RI.

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