Qershor 19, 2021 Live from the road


Reported by Suren Suballabhason 5.0 km

There's been an eruption in Geldingadalir in South-West Iceland for the last three months, and we thought it was time to bring the Torch to the area.

Okkur fannst tími til kominn að fara með kyndilinn að eldgosinu í Geldingadölum.

Our first stop was the edge of the lava flow.

Fyrst var komið að hraunjaðrinum.

Our intrepid team of photographers.

Ljósmyndarateymið okkar.

To get a good view of the eruption, we had to hike up this ridge and then some.

Til að ná góðu útsýni yfir eldgosið er nauðsynlegt að ganga á Langahrygg.

First sight of the eruption.

Sést til gossprungunnar.

It was really windy up there.

Ekki vantaði vindinn.

This lava is pretty much coming from the centre of the Earth, and reminds us of the inner fire, the aspiration for peace on Earth, which the Peace Flame represents.

Hraunið kemur nánast úr miðju jarðar og minnir okkur á innri eldinn, hugsjónaeldinn um frið á jörðu, sem friðarkyndillinn stendur fyrir.

Given a choice, Suballabha would have stayed here for days!

Ljósmyndarinn unir sér.

There was a beautiful hike down as a bonus.

Það var falleg ganga niður hrygginn.

We were extremely lucky with the weather.

Ekki spillti veðurblíðan.

Torch carried by
Cristian Neciov (Romania), Nirbhasa Magee (Ireland), Suballabha Torfason (Iceland), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland).  
Cristian Neciov, Suballabha Torfason, Suren Suballabhason
The torch has travelled 5.0 km in Geldingadalir.

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