Nën. 18, 2021 Live from the road

Bari - Gioia del Colle

Reported by Subimal Alfredo De Joannon 40.0 km

The Team is exploring "Bari Vecchia" the old part of the town.


Peace Run was invited from the Crispiano Municipality and the associazione i Colori per la Pace di Sant'Anna di Stazzema to join the program "I Colori per la Pace events".

The run left from the Palazzo di Città di Bari to arrive at the municipal theater of the city of Crispiano on the morning of Friday 19, where the international "Colors for Peace" event dedicated to children takes place.

Before arriving in the city of Crispiano for the ceremony with primary school kids, will stop in Gioia del Colle where it will be welcomed by the city authorities in the company of elementary school children.

The Peace Run relay is part of a series of initiatives that will involve Crispiano over the next three days.

The initiative takes place in collaboration with the association of Sant'Anna di Stazzema, promoted with the aim of raising awareness among citizens on the issues of social sustainability, in particular, to spread awareness of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda thanks to dialogue with young people and with educational institutions, so that peace is transmitted as a strong message of positivity to future generations.

The Municipality of Crispiano was the first in Puglia to join the Network of Sustainable Municipalities, and in recent weeks it was among the protagonists of the Sustainability Festival promoted by the Italian Agency for Sustainable Development Asvis.

Among the initiatives scheduled in the Municipality of Crispiano, the international exhibition of children's drawings "The colors for peace", Friday 19 November starting at 10.30 in the municipal theater, an event connected to the twinning with the Peruvian city of Tarma signed two years ago.

Finally, the round table "Peace among the peoples of the Mediterranean", scheduled for Friday at 6.30 pm in the municipal theater (open to the public, free admission), moderated by Tiziana Magrì, in which the protagonists and promoters of the various twinning agreements stipulated by the Taranto municipality will participate with territorial realities all over the world.

The initiative was sponsored by the Municipality of Bari together with the Puglia Region, Puglia Promotions, the Chamber of Commerce of Taranto, the local action group GAL Magna Grecia, University of Bari, Municipality of Taranto, Province of Taranto, city of Tarma (Peru ) and other realities of the South American country, Dante's House Museum, Gioia del Colle Municipality and Marta di Taranto Museum.

The councilor for educational and youth policies Paola Romano with the students of the "Piccinni" school, the mayor of Crispiano Luca Lopomo with the councilors for social services, Aurora Bagnalasta, and for public education, Valentina Mastronuzzi, the Mayor's managing director for Sport Piero Liuzzi, the president of the Peruvian association "Ritmo Color y Sabor" Isabel Tapia and the international artist Dale.

 Representing the Puglia Region Aldo Patruno, director of the Tourism, Economy of culture and Valorisation of the territory department.

Many thanks to:

• Comprehensive Institute “F. Strict ",
• Elementary School “P. Mancini ",
• "Elsa Morante" Hotel Institute,
• association "The colors for peace",
• People Agency association,
• "Contaminations" association,
• association Ritmo Color Y Sabor,
• Peace Run association, the Green Academy,
• provincial MCL association of Taranto,
• Arteca association,
• Eternia association,
• Bluradio,
• CSV of Taranto,
• Gens Nova association,
• Crispiano Civil Protection,
• Misericordia di Crispiano association,
• National Unicef ​​through the Unicef ​​Taranto Provincial Committee,
• National Endas,
• Vox Mundi.

The area has a very small streets where old ladies preapare and sell the famous traditional pasta of Puglia the "orecchiette" (little ears), since the shape reminds the the shape of the ears.

There is a deep religious tradition in Bari which is expressed also with landmarks in the old part of the town.

Talking about the recipes for the "orecchiette" with one of the ladies of the old town of Bari that that still prepares them hand made.

The Basilica of San Nicola di Bari
The basilica was built between 1087 and 1197, during the Italo-Norman domination of Apulia, the area previously occupied by the Byzantine Catapan of which Bari was the seat. Its foundation is related to the recovery of some of the relics of Saint Nicholas from the saint’s original shrine in Myra, in what is now Turkey. When Myra passed into the hands of the Saracens, some saw it as an opportunity to move the saint's relics to a safer location. According to the justifying legend, the saint, passing by the city on his way to Rome, had chosen Bari as his burial place. There was great competition for the relics between Venice and Bari. The latter won, the relics were carried off under the noses of the lawful Greek custodians and their Muslim masters, and on May 9, 1087, were safely landed at Bari. A new church was built to shelter Nicholas' remains and Pope Urban II was present at the consecration of the crypt in 1089. The edifice was officially consecrated in 1197, in the presence of the Imperial Vicar, Bishop Conrad of Hildesheim, and of numerous bishops, prelates and noblemen.

The Statue of Saint Nicholas of Myra (15 March 270 – 6 December 343), also known as Nicholas of Bari, was an early Christian bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Myra in Asia Minor (Greek: Μύρα; modern-day Demre, Turkey) during the time of the Roman Empire.

Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, repentant thieves, prostitutes, children, brewers, pawnbrokers, unmarried people, and students in various cities and countries around Europe.

The Statue is located near the Basilica of San Nicola.

The famous "orecchiette", the traditional hand made pasta of Apulia.

Palace of the "Prefettura"

Speaking about the relationship between peace and sport with Tiziana, a member of the Bari running community and a passionate yoga practitioner before the start of the realay.

Introducing to the media the initiative of Peace Run in Apulia

The meeting with a great friend of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run: Luca Lopomo Mayor of Crispiano, the town that bravely organized the project and that invited us.

The rituals before the start

All together for the media.

Varunavi, our member from Slovakia, practices her Italian language while explains her experience with the run to the Mayor of Crispiano, who is holding the Peace Run t-shirt.

From the left: the president of the Peruvian association "Ritmo Color y Sabor" Isabel Tapia, the Assessore alla Cultura Aurora Bagnalasta, Luca Lopomo the Mayor of Crispiano and the Councilor for educational and youth policies of Bari Paola Romano.

The start of the ceremony with the presence of the students of the "Piccinni" school

Receiving the award from the councilor for educational and youth policies of Bari Paola Romano.

From the left: the students "Piccinni" school, Mario Gallo representing the Associazione i "Colori per la Pace di Sant'Anna di Stazzema", the President of the Peruvian association "Ritmo Color y Sabor" Isabel Tapia, the Mayor of the Crispiano Luca Lopomo, the Assessore Aurora Bagnalasta.

The protagonists of the event.

Students express their visin of Peace.

Sharing Peace gifts...

The Peace Torch always bring us together.

Farwell from students before the departure. See you soon, we will surely be back!

The Mayor of Crispiano is leading the relay out from the Bari City Hall.

Running along the sea promenade.

From left: Nayaja Perugini our ultra distance runner italian team member, the Mayor of Crispiano Luca Lopomo, the President of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Italia Alfredo De Joannon and our special member the two times winner of the longest race of the world (3100 miles) Andrea Marcato.

Nayaja concentrate on Peace before starting her part of the relay to reach Gioia del Colle.

From urban concrete into the nature of Apulia.

Apulia is famous for the generous land, that allows high-quality grapes, tomatoes, olives. The wines and the olive oils are worldwide famous for their excellence. We met the farmers that are renowned for their kindness and hospitality.

The famous sweet pink grape

On the way to Gioia del Colle...

The team is welcomed by the Assessore della Cultura of Gioia del Colle Lucio Romano, the Assessore dell Cultura di Crispiano Aurora Bagnalasta, the representant of the Associazione i Colori per la Pace di Sant'Anan di Stazzema andthe President of the Peruvian association "Ritmo Color y Sabor" Isabel Tapia.

Peace also from the Polizia Locale of Gioia del Colle that helped us to safely run in the town.

Viva Perù.

Students of the Mazzini school awith her Peace artwork

A genius artwork. The "Peace Traffic Light". Peace creativity has no limits!

The ceremony took place in the beautiful palace of the City Hall

A city where the tradition for art and literature is deeply and proudly treasured.

The great friend of Peace Run Mario Gallo from Associazione I Colori Pear la Pace di sant'Anna di Stazzema.

Offering the authorities a special present: a book of 700 peace poems written by Sri Chinmoy, founder of the Peace Run.

The students of the Mazzini Institute of Gioia del Colle are performing amazing Peace programs.

Children's eyes have always thirst for Light and Peace...

Torch carried by
Alfredo De Joannon (Italy), Andrea Marcato (Italy), Maralika Karl-Schurian (Austria), Nayaja Perugini (Italy), Rathya Karl (Austria), Sumandala Cenni (Italy), Vaibhava Kuschnow (Austria), Varunavi Klabníková (Slovakia).  
Vaibhava Kuschnow
The torch has travelled 40.0 km from Bari to Gioia del Colle.

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