Prill 25, 2022 Live from the road

Charlottesville, VA - Warrenton, VA

Reported by Arpan DeAngelo 42.0 mi

Both teams started the day running to the Mountaintop Montessori School in Charlottesville, Virginia.

On the way, Macy Moors from CBS19 News and Rachel Hirschheimer from NBC29 interviewed team members for two wonderful segments on the evening news.

CBS 19 Charlottesville News Coverage of Peace Run April 25, 2022

Our team had a large and enthusiastic audience of children, teachers and staff members who shared with us their beautiful artwork on the theme of peace as well as very powerful and dynamic drumming to welcome us to their wonderful campus.

NBC 29 Charlottesville News coverage of the Peace Run - April 25, 2022

We were also greeted with enthusiastic smiles even with some of them wearing masks as they welcomed us to their beautiful playground area.

Our team of 12 international runners offered an exciting program as we shared with the children our country names, songs, skits and a short peace run with everyone.

Rachel from NBC29 covers our exciting ceremony with the children and staff of the school.

After our ceremony with the children and singing Peace Run songs we passed the peace torch around to all the children and teachers as they offered their few moments of peace.

We then visited the University of Virginia's "Academical Village", designed by Thomas Jefferson and declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. Jefferson modeled the centerpiece of that village, the Rotunda, after the Pantheon in Rome and it was a fitting location to celebrate the dedicated service of five heroes who have worked tirelessly to accurately preserve the historical legacy of Thomas Jefferson by offering each the Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award.

The Radio Music Society, a string quartet of four students of the University entertained us with their peaceful performance from the balcony while our guests arrived.

Eric Petersen, the editor of Light and Liberty: Reflections on the Pursuit of Happiness, by Thomas Jefferson, introduced the honorees of the Torch-Bearer Award.

Salil Wilson, Executive Director of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run introduced the Peace Run followed by a short video of Peace Runs around the world.

First to receive the Torch-Bearer award was Bill Barker, who has absorbed Jefferson’s history and character. Bill is a true American treasure and renders an exquisite interpretation of Jefferson. He bears a striking physical resemblance to the visionary genius and it seemed as if the authentic Thomas Jefferson was speaking to us.

Next was Robert "Bob" Turner, who recently retired from a 32-year career at the University of Virginia Law School. Prof. Turner has held high-level posts in the Pentagon, State Department, and White House and served his country with great courage and integrity in a number of positions. He chaired the Jefferson-Hemings Scholars Commission, a year-long study by 13 distinguished scholars addressing the Sally Hemings paternity question. Working without compensation, the Commission concluded that the paternity of Sally Hemings' last child was far from proven and by a margin of 12 to 1 their final views ranged from "serious skepticism" about the allegation that Thomas Jefferson fathered the child to a conviction that it was "almost certainly" false. Bob performed the herculean task of summarizing the year-long study into a 400-page book entitled The Jefferson-Hemings Controversy: Report of the Scholars Commission which remains the definitive resource on the issue.

The next recipient of the Torch-Bearer Award, 92 year-old Dr. White McKenzie "Ken" Wallenborn, charmed everyone with his warmth and humor. Ken served as a military flight surgeon, taught medicine at the University of Virginia Medical School and specialized in otolaryngology in his private practice. Among his many interests, he founded and performed in a barbershop quartet for many years. Ken is a long-standing admirer of Thomas Jefferson and volunteered as a guide at Monticello for five years. During that time, he was invited to serve on the Monticello research committee to examine the historical evidence regarding the 1998 DNA study showing a match between one of two dozen Jefferson males and Sally Hemings' last son, Eston. He encountered several flaws in the report and submitted a minority report detailing those flaws. Ken has authored articles on varied topics such as Amelia Earhart, Lewis and Clark, the Louisiana Purchase, the Bermuda triangle, and Thomas Jefferson and Medicine.

Last to receive the Torch-Bearer award was John H. Works, Jr., who is a lineal descendant of Thomas Jefferson and former president of the Monticello Association consisting of descendants of Jefferson who own the graveyard at Monticello. John and his colleagues are approaching the Jefferson paternity matter from the perspective of the family, using honest and objective research, and reliable historical evidence in an effort to uncover the truth. Currently the president of the Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society, John’s service to his family name and legacy is unprecedented.

Cynthia H. Burton was honored in absentia for her work as an extraordinarily careful historical researcher, author, publisher, editor, and recognized authority on Thomas Jefferson's private life. She took it upon herself to devote years of careful and impeccably precise research designed objectively to uncover the truth regarding the Jefferson paternity matter. That research culminated in her superb book, Jefferson Vindicated: Fallacies, Omissions, and Contradictions in the Hemings Genealogical Search. Cyndi had no vested interest in the outcome of her research, nor was she compensated by anyone for her work.

The Peace Runners then offered the Torch-Bearers a few songs of appreciation and gratitude for their untiring efforts.

With the warm afterglow of the ceremony, the team was treated to a wonderful Indian meal by Eric Petersen and his wife Kathy.

The women's team started their run through Culpepper.

Some of our team members light the torch up again for some more miles as we run north towards Maryland and Pennsylvania.

It is always uplifting to meet friendly folks along the way who wish to offer their goodwill and prayers for peace.

Sheri Winston, Associate Director of The Rotunda and Major Events, was a profoundly helpful and gracious host to which we are eternally grateful for all her assistance in bring this event to fruition.

A final parting shot on the steps of the Rotunda with Sheri Winston and Bill Barker holding the torch.

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Dhavala Stott (Great Britain), Eva Paradise (Czech Republic), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Homagni Baptista (Australia), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Marina Pak (Russia), Nikolaus Drekonja (Austria), Rotraud Scheiderbauer (Austria), Salil Wilson (Australia), Varunavi Klabnikova (Switzerland), Virangini Afzal (United States).  
Eva Paradise, Harita Davies, Homagni Baptista, Salil Wilson
The torch has travelled 42.0 mi from Charlottesville, VA to Warrenton, VA.

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