Qershor 12, 2022 Live from the road


Reported by Padyatra Komak 6.0 km

Peace Run team was running all day in Austria today and crossed the border to Slovakia late afternoon.

Mierový beh dnes bežal celý deň cez Rakúsko a hranicou na Slovensko prešiel až podvečer.

To the Bratislava downtown over the bridge is not far.

Do centa Bratislavy je to cez most už len kúsok.

Pali and Peter, two local runners have joined the team.

K tímu sa pridal aj Pali a Peter, dvaja lokálni bežci.

It is a weekend and the weather is great so while running through the old town we met a lot of people.

Je víkend a krásne počasie, takže sme v uliciach starého mesta stretli davy ludí.

Final destination of today's journey is Primacialne square in front of City Hall.

Koniec našej dnešnej trasy je Primaciálne námestie pred bratislavským Magistrátom.

In Bratislava we were greeted by Tatiana Kratochvílová, 1. Deputy Mayor of Bratislava.

V Bratislave nás privítala Ing. Tatiana Kratochvílová, 1. námestníčka primátora mesta Bratislava.

Mrs. Kratochvílová also held the torch.

Pani Kratochvílová si tiež podržala pochodeň.

As a token of our gratitude we presented her with the Certificate of appreciation signed by all international runners.

Ako prejav vďaky sme jej odovzdali ďakovný list s podpismi všetkých bežcov medzinárodného tímu.

International runners received T-shirt with Bratislava design.

Medzinárodní bežci na oplátku dostali trická s motívom Bratislavy.

And after a long and hot day of running here comes cold and sweet reward.

A po dlhom a horúcom bežeckom dni zaslúžená studená a sladká odmena.

Delicious ice cream was served by owner of ice cream place in old town. Thank you Guiseppe.

Výbornou zmrzlinou nás obslúžil majiteľ zmrzlinárne v starom meste. Ďakujeme Guiseppe.

Torch carried by
Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Gesiane Nascimento (Brazil), Jovana Milenković (Serbia), Kuladipa Babusik (Slovakia), Ludmila Klishina (Ukraine), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Salil Wilson (Australia), Tatyana Troyanovich (Ukraine), Tünde Fülöp (Austria), Varunavi Klabníková (Slovakia), Vinati Docziova (Slovakia).  
Accompanied by  
Austrian runnrs
Sandro Zincarini, Vaibhava Kuschnow
The torch has travelled 6.0 km in Bratislava.

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