Qershor 17, 2022 Live from the road

New Haven, CT - Stamford, CT

Reported by Anastasiia Konova, Harita Davies 42.0 mi

A big thank you to Hilton Garden Inn Milford for generously accommodating our whole team for the night!

Thank you Milford!!

Today was our last weekday on the road, and it was jam-packed with events!
Our first school was Cesar Batalla School in Bridgeport.

Our fearless driver, Virangini, enjoying meeting new friends.

All of the children had made Peace Doves with their wishes for peace on them.

Finding and feeling the peace within ourselves is something we all need to remember to do.

Everyone can guess Ukraine- we are all praying for peace!

Not peace!

A big thank you to Ms. Woodman-Osker for facilitating our visit, and to Joan Hass, pictured behind her, who is one of our local Coordinators for this area, and also used to teach at this school!

Some of the children read out the messages on their peace doves.

Time to pass the torch!

Santiva leads the running!

Going under the bridge in the peace train is always fun!

Thank you Cesar Batala School for all of your support of the Peace Run today and over the years!

Our next stop was to Strawberry Hill School in Stamford. This was nearly the last day of school, and since it was a half day, we had to skip ahead to make it on time! Middle Years Program Facilitator, Jeff Bianco, welcomed us for two presentations! First was Grades 4-6.

It was a sunny, hot morning!

our team singing the Peace Run song.

There were about 200 children in the first presentation!

Time to pass the torch!

We all ran around the field

A big thank you to Jeff Bianco for organising our visit!

Next was our second presentation, to the Kindergarten to 3rd Graders. Here is the team running in!

peace in the heart in the sun!

World Harmony Run song with actions!

Passing the torch is a special part of our visit. Seeing the children holding the torch gives us so much joy and hope for humanity.

Some of the children had prepared beautiful artwork for our visit- thank you!!

Two Ukranian peace lovers!

Nastya meets more peace loving kids from Ukraine!


Our great team photographer, Devendra, was kept busy today! He has also been our indomitable Accommodations Coordinator for the whole of the United States for many years- sometimes he needs a little break!

This kind local policeman came out to escort the team to our next destination- Stew Leonard's!

Stew Leonard's grocery store has been welcoming the Peace Run team when we come through Norwalk for many years. Many of the staff and some local officials were there to greet us and celebrate our friendship with their community.

Norwalk Mayor, Harry Rilling, is a longtime supporter and friend of the Peace Run. Thank you for once again coming out and showing your support, Mayor Rilling!

We went into the store and local Peace Run Coordinator, Bill Hass, who also heads the United Nations Association of Southwestern Connecticut, introduced the team.
Holding the torch is Connecticut State Senator Bob Duff, who has greeted the team twice before, in 2012 & 2018. Thank you Senator Duff for sharing your words on Peace and supporting the vision of the Peace Run!

Local Stew Leonard's representative, Nicole, spoke of the commitment they have to providing a family oriented, fun and happy environment in their store.

Good friends, Arpan and Surashri are both originally from Connecticut and helped coordinate todays events.

One last family photo with the Stew Leonard's team, City and State representatives, and some peace loving customers! Pictured behind the banner between Virangini and Nicole is Silvi from Human Resources, who kindly organised our visit. Thank you Silvi!

This customer promised us that next time we come she will run with us! ;)

We all received a complimentary icecream from Stew Leonards- thank you!

Today was the day for Nastya to meet Ukranian peace lovers! She met this woman when she was out running.

Our next stop was to the Darien Town Hall, which has beautiful grounds.

Pavaka practicing for our next performance.

Darien First Selectman Monica McNally kindly came to meet us on her day off and opened the hall especially for our presentation. She really opened her heart to us and we were all touched by her interest and depth of understanding for the vision of the Peace Run.

We all shared a moment of peace together.

First Selectman McNally told us of her commitment to her community. She also said that she wanted to share our visit with her community, and that she would like to have a Peace Tree in Darien. We look forward to making that a reality!

Thank you First Selectman Monica McNally for sharing your commitment to serving your community with us! Thank you also to local Coordinator, Sutushti Lang, pictured on the far right, for organising many of our special visits today!

Our final stop was to visit the home of long time friends and supporters, Nripal and Nidrahara, for the longstanding traditional end of Peace Run celebration at their beautiful home in Stamford. Here Nripal is telling the team about the many years that have gone into the development of their beautiful garden sanctuary, which is now home to a statue of Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy.

Seattle-based Peace Runner and long time friend of Nidrahara and Nripal, Nayak, wrote them a fun poem for the occasion.

Pavaka wrote a sweet and humorous song with verses dedicated to all the team members and many coordinators from the last section of the run.

Time for the cake! Nidrahara made the first cut, and we all enjoyed it immensely!

Biggest thank you to everyone pictured and many many more for giving your hearts love and service-dedication to make this 2022 American Peace Run a great success!!

In the oneness-heart
There is abiding peace.
With our oneness-heart
We are all trying to create
A peaceful world-family.
-Sri Chinmoy

Torch carried by
Anastasiia Konova (Ukraine), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Bikashita Hass (United States), Devendra Cheatham (United States), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Olivia Lopez (Mexico), Pavaka Ritchot (Canada), Putu Ekawati (Indonesia), Sameepa Hass (United States), Santiva Morrison (United States), Suhasini Septiarini (Indonesia), Sutushthi Lang (United States), Virangini Afzal (United States).  
Arpan DeAngelo, Devendra Cheatham, Harita Davies, Natabara Rollosson, Pavaka Ritchot, Santiva Morrison, Virangini Afzal
The torch has travelled 42.0 mi from New Haven, CT to Stamford, CT.

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