Qershor 23, 2022 Live from the road

Djakovo - Borovo

Reported by Gordana Petrovčić 102.0 km

Good morning Djakovo! :)

Dobro jutro Djakovo! :)

Thank you for providing us this nice accommodation!

Hvala puno za lijepi smjestaj!

Ge started to run towards Osijek very early. She kept running every day more than 20km!

Ge je pocela trcati prema Osijeku jako rano. Ona je nastavljala trcati svaki dan vise od 20 kilometara!

Our first meeting took place in Kopacevo, a famous national park near Osijek. It is one of the best preserved national resorts in Europe, located where the river Drava flows into the Danube....

Nas prvi sastanak je bio u Kopacevom, poznatom nacionalnom parku blizu Osijeka. To je jedan od ponajbolje očuvanih nacionalnih parkova u Europi, smješten na ušću Drave u Dunav...

We took a short boat trip..

Otisli smo na kratki izlet sa camcem...

...and happily transformed ourselves from runners into tourists...

...i sretno se transformirali iz trkaca u turiste...

Although sun was hiding, we were happy that we were not blessed by rain as it was planned...

Iako se sunce sakrilo, bili smo sretni da kisa nije padala kao je bilo predvidjeno...

We felt safe...

Osjecali smo se sigurnima...

Richardo is not just a good runner but also a good photographer, thanks to whom we have a very nice photos!

Richardo nije samo dobar trkac, vec i dobar fotograf, zahvaljujuci kome imamo tako lijepe fotografije!

An amazing nature and its inhabitants revealed itself to visitors....

Prelijepa priroda i njeni stanovnici otkriva se posjetiocima...

This is the photo taken 10 years ago when our friendship with Kopacevo started!

Ova fotografija je stara deset godina, kada je pocelo nase prijateljstvo sa Kopačkim Ritom!

Thank you so much for the most soulful meting!

Hvala Vam puno za najdusevniji sastankom!

Our next destination was Osijek!

Nase sljedece odrediste je Osijek!

...nice performances...

...lijepe izvedbe...

Thank you for running with us...

Hvala sto trcite sa nama...

Time to say goodbye to our new friends..

Vrijeme da kazemo dovidjenja nasim novim prijateljima.

We continued to run to our next meeting in Aljmas. While runners enjoyed peaceful road in a nature...

Nastavili smo trcati prema nasem sljedecem sastanku u Aljmas. Dok su nasi trkaci uzivali tihu cestu u prirodi...

...our support vehicle had a serious problem...

...nas kombi je imao ozbiljne probleme...

...so we had to invoke creativity to help...

...pa smo morali prizvati kreativnost da pomogne...

..free again...

...opet slobodni...

Although mud was everywhere...

Iako je blata bilo posvuda...

...our hearts were full of joy...

....nasa srca su bila puna radosti...

Gundega and her new friend...

Gundega i njen novi prijatelj...

We finally reached Aljmas where kids were waiting for us. We had a lot of fun!

Napokon smo stigli do Aljmasa gdje su nas docekala djeca. Dobro smo se zabavljali...

Thank you for nice refreshment!

Hvala za lijepo osvjezenje!

...short presentation...

...short presentation...

Thank you so much for organizing such a sweet meeting! We had a great time!

Hvala vam na organizaciji tako slatkog sastanka! Dobro smo se proveli!

...picking up boats for the training...

...pokupili smo camce za trening...

... and went to the beautiful Danube...

... i otisli na lijepi Dunav...

...last stretch of running for today...

...a long day came to an end. Thank you all for the most joyful day!

Torch carried by
Alexander Gavrilenko (Ukraine), Gesiane Nascimento (Brazil), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Helen Beyer (Germany), Jelena Pribanic (Croatia), Katarina Hadzic (Croatia), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Ricardo Mota (Portugal), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Tünde Fülöp (Austria).  
Gordana Petrovčić, Ricardo Mota
The torch has travelled 102.0 km from Djakovo to Borovo.

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