Qershor 25, 2022 Live from the road

Croatian Border - Novi Sad

Reported by Irina Skerl, Kamaneeya Vuckovic 41.0 km

At the border

Na granici

First steps...

Prvi koraci...

Children-athletes, majority of them from the local Karate Club welcomed the International team at the border.

Internacionalni tim su na granici dočekala deca-sportisti, većinom iz lokalnog karate kluba.

We are ready to start the journey

Spremni smo da krenemo na putovanje

The deputy mayor of Backa Palanka, mr Mita Lacanski warmely welcomed us with kind words.

Gospodin Mita Lačanski, zamenik predsednika opštine Bačka Palanka srdačno nas je dočekao toplim rečima.

We were honoured with the National Anthem of Serbia.

Bili smo počastvovani Himnom Srbije.

The hosts of the manifestation organized a very nice programe with singing and folk dancing performed by the children - members of CTKU Abrasevic from Backa Palanka.

Domačini ove manifestacije organizovali su veoma lep program sa pevanjem i narodnim igrama u izvođenju dece - članova CTKU Abrašević iz Bačke Palanke.

Athletes from Backa Palanka. Ana Tesanovic (handball) and Mico Janic (kayak). Mico Janic recited his beautiful poem "A dream of peace".

Sportisti iz Bačke Palanke. Ana Tešanović (rukomet) i Mićo Janić (kajak). Mićo Janić je odrecitovao svoju predivnu poemu "San o miru".

Kayaking is their favorite sport.

Omiljeni sport im je kajak.

We enjoyed the performance of the small children's choir "Zvono" very much.

Mnogo nam se dopao nastup dečijeg hora "Zvono".

Few children read their literary works on the theme of peace and the river Danube.

Nekoliko dece je pročitalo svoje literarne radove na temu mira i reke Dunav.

Unveiling the first "Danube Peace River" plaque in Backa Palanka as part of the Sri Chinmoy Peace Blssoms project.

Otkrivanje prve ploče "Dunav Reka Mira" u Bačkoj Palanci, kao deo projekta Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms.

The deputy mayor of Backa Palanka, mr Mita Lacanski addressing the International Peace Run team... it was a very touching moment.

Gospodin Mita Lačanski, zamenik predsednika opštine Bačka Palanka obratio se internacionalnom timu Trke mira... bio je to dirljiv trenutak.

Novi Sad is our destination for today.

Naše odredište danas je Novi Sad.

Children from the Mihajlo Pupin Elementary School in Veternik were waiting for us.

Čekala su nas deca iz Osnovne škole Mihajlo Pupin u Veterniku.

Beautiful nature. We started our run from Veternik to Novi Sad along the Danube.

Divna priroda. Trčanje od Veternika ka Novom Sadu uz Dunav.

In Novi Sad, children from the School of Sports and Athletics welcomed us and ran with us to the building of Opens where the Peace Run program was organized.

U Novom Sadu, deca iz Školice sporta i atletike su nas docekala i trčala sa nama do zgrade Opensa gde je priređen doček Trke mira.

The torch was received on behalf of the city of Novi Sad by Mr. Ognjen Cvjetićanin, member of the City Council in charge of Sports and Youth. A huge THANK YOU to OPENS for their support and for giving us their hall to organize the event.

Baklju je primio u ime grada Novog Sada g. Ognjen Cvjetićanin, član Gradskog veća za sport i omladinu. Veliko hvala OPENS-u za njihovu podršku i što nam je ustupio svoj prostor za organizovanje događaja.

Thanks also to the students of primary schools in Futog, Veternik and Novi Sad for the beautiful art works on the theme of peace.

Hvala i đacima osnovnih škola u Futogu, Veterniku I Novom Sadu za predivne likovne radove na temu mira.

The children's choir Suncokreti (Sunflowers) performed beautiful children's songs in wonderful arrangements. We enjoyed immensely their performance. The two conductors were great!

4. Deciji hor Suncokreti je izveo prelepe decije pesmice sa u divnim aranzmanima. Neizmerno smo uživali u njihovom nastupu. Dve dirigentice su bile sjajne!

While the program was going on, someone thought the candies were more interesting after all.

Dok je program trajao, neko je mislio da su bombone ipak zanimljivije.

Kamaneeya, our fantastic Peace Run coordinator for Vojvodina and Novi Sad.

Kamaneeya, naš fantastični koordinator Trke mira za Vojvodinu i Novi Sad.

The Children's Folklore Ensemble Vila performed the cheerful traditional Serbian dance.

Program je ulepšao svojim igrama Dečiji folklorni ansambl Vila.

Serbian folk dance.

Srpsko kolo.

The great program was completed by the Children's Folklore Ensemble of the Mladost Cultural Center from Futog in beautiful old costumes.

Raznovrstan program je završio Dečiji folklorni ansambl kulturnog centra Mladost iz Futoga u prelepim gradskim nošnjama.

Runners and the audience enjoyed the wonderful program.

Trkači i publika su uživali u divnom programu.

Now it's the runners' turn to introduce themselves…

Sada je red na trkače da se predstave…

And after the program, what everyone loves the most - to hold the torch and imagine peace in the world.

I posle programa, ono što svi najviše vole - da drže baklju i zamisle mir u svetu.

Madhurima and Mahiya.

Madhurima i Mahiya.

The Peace Runners then ran along the famous Novi Sad quay to the place where the Danube - River of Peace plaque was placed.

Trkači mira su zatim potrčali čuvenim novosadskim kejom do mesta gde je postavljena tabla Dunav Reka mira

Ljilja from Kikinda, Peace Run coordinator for Backa Palanka and partly for Novi Sad.

Ljilja iz Kikinde, koordinator Trke mira za Bačku Palanku i delimično Novi Sad.

Unveiling of the Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossom plaque on the bank of Danube River in Novi Sad.

Otvaranje plakete Dunav Reka mira u okviru projekta Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms na obali Dunava u Novom Sadu.

A moment's peace can and shall save the world.

Jedan trenutak mira može da spase i spasiće svet.

Singing a Peace song.

Otpevali smo pesmu o miru.

Happy and proud in Novi Sad.

Srećni i ponosni u Novom Sadu.

Thank you Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka for the great start of Peace Run in Serbia.

Hvala Novom Sadu i Bačkoj Palanci na savršenom početku Trke mira u Srbiji.

Torch carried by
Bashata Cimesha (United States), Chanakhya Jakovic (Great Britain), Dejan Despotovic (Serbia), Gesiane Nascimento (Brazil), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Helene Beyer (Germany), Ilija Djordjevic Arsic (Serbia), Irina Skerl (Serbia), Jadranka Grbic (Serbia), Jelena Pribanic (Croatia), Jovana Milenković (Serbia), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Margarita Trajcheva (North Macedonia), Mona Majkovska (North Macedonia), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Pedja Knezevic (Serbia), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Stevan Letic (Serbia), Taneesha Djuric (Canada), Tünde Fülöp (Austria).  
Eshana Gadzanski , Gints Peleckis, Kuleshvari Šulič, Madhurima Knezevic
The torch has travelled 41.0 km from Croatian Border to Novi Sad.

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