Qershor 26, 2022 Live from the road

Sremski Karlovci

Reported by Irina Skerl, Kamaneeya Vuckovic 10.0 km

We started the day in a most beautiful way possible, cruising the Danube... the river of peace and unity...

Dan smo započeli na najlepši mogući način, krstarenjem Dunavom…rekom mira i jedinstva…

Many thanks to the Ecological Movement Gorani from Sremski Karlovci for the gift of a catamaran cruise tour.

Hvala puno Pokretu gorana iz Sremskih Karlovaca na poklon turi krstarenja katamaranom.

It was so beautiful and peaceful, we could so deeply connect with the river we dedicated our run

Bilo je prelepo i umirujuće, mogli smo se duboko povezati sa rekom kojoj smo posvetili našu Trku mira

We also had time for a short trip to Stražilovo, a wooded picnic area on the slopes of Fruška Gora, a small but precious mountain in flat Vojvodina...

Takođe smo imali vremena i za kratak izlet na Stražilovu, šumovitom izletištu na padinama Fruške Gore, male ali dragocene planine u ravnoj Vojvodini…

Some had lots of fun ….never lose your childlike heart

Neki su se baš dobro zabavljali….nikada nemoj da izgubiš svoje dečije srce

The time has come for the event in Sremski Karlovci, a charming small town with a rich history.

Došlo je vreme i za manifestaciju u Sremskim Karlovcima, šarmantnom malom gradu sa bogatom istorijom.

The first high school in Serbia was founded way back in 1791 in this very place.

Prva gimnazija u Srbiji je osnovana daleke 1791.g baš u ovom mestu.

Anđelko Popović, president of the Sports Association of Sremski Karlovci, and famous volleyball player Kolja Nedic ran with us. Many thanks to Anđelko for all the help in organizing Peace Run in Sremski Karlovci...

Sa nama su trčali Anđelko Popović, predsednik Sportskog saveza Sremskih Karlovaca i poznati odbojkaš Kolja Nedić. Puno hvala Anđelku za svu pomoć pri organizaciji naše Trke u Sremskim Karlovcima…

Mr. Aleksandar Saša Stojkečić, the mayor of Sremski Karlovci, received the torch.

Baklju je u ime Sremskih Karlovaca primio predsednik opštine g. Aleksandar Saša Stojkečić

We presented ourselves at the Hearts in Harmony festival, organized by the Association of Citizens “Love, Faith, Hope”.

Trka mira se predstavila u okviru festivala Srca u Harmoniji koji organizuje udruženje Ljubav Vera Nada.

The festival is an European project of inclusion of marginalized groups, individuals and persons with disabilities in society and promoting their many talents and achievements.

Festival je evropski projekat uklјučivanja marginalizovanih grupa, pojedinaca i osoba sa invaliditetom u društvo i isticanje njihovih mnogih talenata i postignuća.

Choir ISON, together with its friends, singers and musicians, performed our World Harmony Run song for us. They did it brilliantly, with a lot of enthusiasm and joy

Hor ISON je sa prijateljima pevačima i muzičarima, izveo za nas pesmu naše trke World Harmony Run. Sjajno su to odradili, sa puno entuzijazma i radosti

And then it was our turn to sing their song called Prayer with them using sign language.

A zatim je došao red na nas da pevamo sa njima njihovu pesmu Molitva koristeći znakovni jezik.

It was wonderful to feel oneness with people with disabilities and for a moment become a part of their world.

Divno je bilo osetiti jedinstvo sa osobama sa invaliditetom i postati na momenat deo njihovog sveta.

We enjoyed great performances from the inclusive ISON choir, VIVAK choir from Dusan Radovic Primary School, children and youth from Selenca and the Orchestra of the Jan Kolar Primary School and the Choir ZVONI, as well as the children from October 23 Primary School and the Association SK ART from Karlovac.

Uživali smo u nastupima inkluzivnog hora „Ison“, hora „Vivak“ OŠ „Dušan Radović“, dece i mladih iz Selenče i orkestra OŠ „Jan Kolar“ i hora „Zvoni“, kao i dece iz OŠ „23 oktobar“ iz Sremskih Karlovca i dece iz Karlovačkog udruženja“SK ART“.

The great conductor Miodrag Blizanac has dedicated his work to promoting these very talented children.

Sjajni dirigent Miodrag Blizanac je posvetio svoj rad isticanju i promovisanju baš ove talentovane dece.

Very nice group photo with the torch.

Veoma lepa grupna slika sa bakljom.

The programe of the Festival continued during the evening.

Program festivala se nastavio tokom večeri.

Some acts were more demanding...

Neke tačke su bile zahtevnije...

Joy spread arround while the torch was passing from hand to hand.

Radost se širila dok se baklja prenosila iz ruke u ruku.

Small children carried the torch too.

I mala deca su držala baklju.

In the meanwhile, some learned a few new steps ...

Neki su u međuvremenu naučili nekoliko novih koraka...

It was a fantastic manifestation! Congratulations for the organization!

Bila je ovo fantastična manifestacija! Čestitamo na oroganizaciji!

It's time to say goodbye, but not before taking a picture with everyone.

Došlo je vreme da se rastanemo, ali ne pre nego što se uslikamo jednom sa svima.

We will cherish this experience deeply in our hearts.

Čuvaćemo ovo iskustvo duboko u našim srcima.

Legend has it that if you want to go back to Sremski Karlovci, you should drink water from the Four Lions Fountain, so we ended our day in a nice little town right there.

Legenda kaže, ako želiš da se vratiš u Sremske Karlovce, treba da piješ vode sa česme Četiri lava, tako da smo naš dan u lepom malom gradu završili baš na ovom mestu.

Thank you Sremski Karlovci for a relaxing and fulfilling day.

Hvala vam Sremski Karlovci za opuštajući i ispunjujući dan.

Torch carried by
Bashata Cimesha (United States), Božidar Stavrić (Serbia), Chanakhya Jakovic (Great Britain), Dejan Despotovic (Serbia), Gesiane Nascimento (Brazil), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Helene Beyer (Germany), Ilija Djordjevic Arsic (Serbia), Jelena Pribanic (Croatia), Jovana Milenković (Serbia), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Margarita Trajcheva (North Macedonia), Mona Majkovska (North Macedonia), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Pedja Knezevic (Serbia), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Stevan Letic (Serbia), Taneesha Djuric (Canada), Tünde Fülöp (Austria).  
Božidar Stavrić, Eshana Gadzanski , Gints Peleckis
The torch has travelled 10.0 km in Sremski Karlovci.

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