Qershor 27, 2022 Live from the road

Sremski Karlovci - Belgrade

Reported by Irina Skerl 77.0 km

Getting ready for a new day on the Peace Run in Serbia.

Pripreme pred početak trećeg dana Trke mira kod nas.

A moment of silence.

Trenutak tišine.

We started our day by visiting the Celtic Village in Indija.

Novi dan smo započeli posetom Keltskom selu u Inđiji.

Children-athletes from Indija received the torch happily and carried it rall the way to the Celtic Village.

Deca - sportisti iz Inđije su radosno preuzeli baklju i nosili je trčeći sa nama sve do Keltskog sela.

The deputy mayor of Municipality of Indija, Mr Zivan Zivanovic, welcomed us at the Celtic Village.

Na ulazu u Keltsko selo dočekao nas je zamenik predsednika opštine Inđije, g. Živan Živanović.

Mr Zivanovic addressed us with the words: "We are proud to be part of such a huge global sport manifestaion, a peace manifestation. Today I wish to send a broad message of peace to the whole world."

G. Živanović nam se obratio rečima: "Ponosni smo što smo deo jedne velike globalne sportske manifestacije, mirovne manifestacije. Ja danas želim odavde da pošaljem jednu veliku poruku mira celom svetu."

The representative of our international team presented the ideals of the Peace Run initiated by Sri Chinmoy.

Predstavnik našeg međunarodnog tima predstavio je ideale Trke mira koju je inicirao Šri Činmoj.

"We carry the message that we are all one familiy, as well as that peace is within us, in our hearts. If you have peace in the heart, love, then we can live as one family no matter where we come from." Gesiane from Brasil

"Mi donosimo poruku da smo svi jedna porodica, kao i da je mir u nama, u našim srcima. Ako imate u srcu mir - ljubav, onda možemo da živimo svi kao jedna porodica, bez obzira odakle dolazimo." Žezijan iz Brazila

The TV reporters were quite busy.

TV reporteri su imali dosta posla.

Gesiane is visiting Serbia for the first time. She feels that it's a very beautiful country and that people in Serbia are very receptive, sending messages of peace and love which she can feel.

Žezijan je po prvi put u Srbiji. Ona oseća da je Srbija jedna predivna zemlja i da su ljudi koji žive u njoj veoma prijemčivi, da šalju poruke mira i ljubavi koje ona može da oseti.

Members of the ensemble KUD "Soko" from Indija performed a nice programe with folk music and dancing for the participants of the Peace Run.

Članovi kulturno umetničkog društva “Soko” iz Inđije izveli su pred učesnicima Trke mira lep folklorni program sa muzikom i plesom.

All of us enjoyed the program very much.

Svi smo uživali u programu.

We took a photo together before going on a small tour through the Celtic Village.

Slikali smo se zajedno a onda krenuli u mali obilazak kroz Keltsko selo.

Our guide, dressed in an authentic Celtic robe showed us around the Village.

Obučen u autentičnu keltsku haljinu, naš vodič nam je pokazao ovo seoce.

We saw some pieces of original Celtic cloth, original jewelry and coins and other 2300 years pieces on a display in a mini museum.

U mini muzeju smo videli originalne delove keltske odeće, originalni nakit i novčiće i druge izložene eksponate stare 2300 godina.

We were also able to see a few types of Celtic houses made of clay and wood that represent authentic Celtic homes and shops from a Celtic Iron Age tribe named Scordisci that lived around this location.

Videli smo takođe i nekoliko tipova keltskih kuća od gline i drveta koje predstavljaju autentične keltske domove i radionice plemena Scordisi koje je tu živelo tokom gvozdenog doba.

Good bye Indija, see you again some other time.

Doviđenja Inđijo, vidimo se ponovo neki drugi put.

We arrived to Stara Pazova

Stigli smo u Staru Pazovu

Children members of the KDU “Branko Radicevic” folk ensemble from Stara Pazova greeted the Peace Run cheerfully.

Trku mira radosno su pozdravila deca članovi Kulturno umetničkog društva “Branko Radičević” iz Stare Pazove.

President of the Local Community of Stara Pazova, mr Dragoslav Bondji received the Peace Run torch.

(photo vojvodanski.com)

Gospodin Dragoslav Bonđi, predsednik IO Mesne zajednice Stara Pazova prihvatio je baklju Trke mira.

Our motto is: "Peace begins with me."

Naš moto je: "Mir počinje od mene."

Peace Run Coordinator for Stara Pazova and Nova Pazova holding the torch.

Koordinator Trke mira za Staru Pazovu i Novu Pazovu sa bakljom.

Runners introduced themselves at the Peace Run manifestation in Stara Pazova.

Trkači su se predstavili na manifestaciji Trke mira u Staroj pazovi.

We listened to some traditional singing...

Poslušali smo tradicionalno pevanje...

and saw their traditional dance performance...

i videli njihov nastup sa tradicionalnim kolom...

Everybody, please come to make a group photo!

Dođite svi da napravimo grupnu fotografiju!

"Children of happiness will create a new world." Sri Chinmoy

"Deca sreće stvoriće jedan novi svet." Šri Činmoj

and children were so happy to hold the torch.

a deca su bila tako srećna što drže baklju.

We could feel much love and peace in the air

Osetili smo mnogo ljubavi i mira u vazduhu

Some of us happily joined the hands together in the traditional folk dance. This was the highlight of the event.

Neki od nas su se radosno uhvatili u kolo i pridružili plesu. To je bio najlepši trenutak ovog događaja.

Our dear friends from the Hema-Kheya-Neye enterprise visited our manifestation in Stara Pazova.

Naši dragi prijatelji iz preduzeća Hema-Kheya-Neye posetili su našu manifestaciju u Staroj Pazovi.

Young girls posing for the photo

Mlade devojke poziraju za fotografiju

Young boys posing for the photo

Mladi momci poziraju za fotografiju

We really like to climb up the bales of hay...

Mi zaista volimo da se penjemo na bale sena...

We turned towards Nova Pazova at the roundabout

Na kružnom toku smo skrenuli prema Novoj Pazovi

We arrived and somebody was waiting for us readily...

Stigli smo, a neko nas je tu spremno čekao...

Children dreaming of peace in the world, you have now become an inseparable part of our global Peace Run.

Deco koja sanjate od miru u svetu, postali ste sad nerazdvojni deo naše globalne Trke mira.

We had a very nice Peace Run program organized by the Local Community of Nova Pazova.

Imali smo veoma lep program Trke mira koji je organizovala Mesna zajednica Nove Pazove.

The Peace Run Coordinator for Serbia Predrag Knezevic gave a short presentation of the Peace Run following the course the River Danube.

Koordinator Trke Mira za Srbiju Predrad Knežević kratko je predstavio Trku mira koja prati trasu duž Reke Dunav.

Mr Bosko Stanisavljevic, president of the Local Community of Nova Pazova received the torch.

Predsednik Saveta mesne zajednice Nove Pazove g. Boško Stanisavljević primio je baklju.

Children members of KUD Sveti Sava folk ensemble from Nova Pazova delighted us with a beautiful performance.

Deca članovi ansambla KUD Sveti Sava iz Nove Pazove oduševili su nas svojim prelepim nastupom.

Their white robes reminded us of the purity within us.

Njihova bela odeća podsetila nas je na čistotu koju nosimo u sebi.

Thank you, Nova Pazova for receiving Peace Run into your heart.

Hvala Novoj Pazovi što je primila Trku mira u svoje srce.

Torch carried by
Chanakhya Jakovic (Great Britain), Dejan Despotovic (Serbia), Gesiane Nascimento (Brazil), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Helene Beyer (Germany), Ilija Djordjevic Arsic (Serbia), Jelena Pribanic (Croatia), Jovana Milenković (Serbia), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Margarita Trajcheva (North Macedonia), Mona Majkovska (North Macedonia), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Pedja Knezevic (Serbia), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Stevan Letic (Serbia), Taneesha Djuric (Canada), Tünde Fülöp (Austria).  
Gints Peleckis, Pedja Knezevic
The torch has travelled 77.0 km from Sremski Karlovci to Belgrade.

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