Qershor 29, 2022 Live from the road

Belgrade - Viminacium

Reported by Irina Skerl, Madhurima Knezevic 98.0 km

Only the fastest runners waited for us at the city entrance.

Na ulasku u grad sačekali su nas samo najbrži trkači.

The younger ones joined at the Elementary School.

Kod osnovne škole pridružili su se i mlađi.

The Peace Torch was carried by Nevena Popovic, the athletic champions from Grocka

Baklju mira nosile su Nevena Popović, šampionke atletičarke iz Grocke

and Anastasia Petrovic

i Anastasija Petrović

Traditional reception in Serbia with bread and salt.

Tradicionalni doček u Srbiji: hleb i so.

The youngest participant of the Peace Run in Grocka

Najmlađa učesnica Trke mira u Grockoj

Offering the Torch to the Deputy Mayor of Grocka Mr Dejan Vlaskovic.

Predajemo Baklju g. Dejanu Vlaškoviću, zameniku gradonačelnika Grocke.

He welcomed us and passed the Torch on to the champions who are a true pride of Grocka, and we are happy for them being a reinforcement to our team at least for a day.

Poželeo nam je dobrodošlicu i predao Baklju mira šampionkama koje su ponos Grocke, a mi smo srećni što su bar toga dana bile pojačanje našem timu.

Members of the “Nevena Popovic” School Ensemble performed for us a few traditional songs creating an overall elation. Dressed in folk attires they sang in the brightest sunshine.

Na naše opšte oduševljenje članovi ansambla škole “Nevena Popović” izveli su nam nekoliko tradicionalnih pesama. Pevali su na najvećem suncu u narodnoj nošnji od sukna

The young audiences really liked it

Dopali su se mladoj publici

So did our team

A i našem timu

Then the deputy mayor conveyed a message of peace from citizens of Grocka, for us to carry to the world and share with all good people.

Zatim je zamenik gradonačelnika predao poruku mira stanovnika Grocke da je ponesemo sa nama u svet i podelimo sa svim dobrim ljudima.

We performed our short program

Izveli smo naš mali program

And the audiences cheerfully joined us, they now new our game

A publika se radosno pridružila, sad su naučili našu igru

Like everywhere, our runners introduced themselves…

Kao i svuda predstavljali su se svi naši trkači

And then everybody wanted to get a photo with the Peace Torch…

A onda su svi hteli da se fotografišu sa Bakljom mira...

for it has same magical power..

jer ona ima neku čudesnu moć..

We proceeded following the Danube riverfront, accompanied by the youngest athletes

Nastavili smo dalje prateći obalu Dunava uz pratnju najmlađih sportista

and those still younger, who might one day carry the Peace Torch themselves and run with us around the globe.

i onih još mlađih koji će možda jednog dana i sami poneti Baklju mira i trčati po svetu sa nama.

It seems that someone here really likes the Netherlands

Neko ovde izgleda baš voli Holandiju

Goodbye Grocka and thank you for offering us your heart full of peace. Many thanks to all citizens of Grocka who received us in such a warm manner.

Doviđenja Grocko i hvala ti što si nam ponudila svoje srce koje je ispunjeno mirom. Hvala svim stanovnicima Grocke koji su nas tako toplo dočekali.

The next stop on our journey was an old Serbian town called Smederevo. It's the middle ages fortress located on the Danube river. Although the temperature was around 35C, a group of athletes waited for us at the town entrance and ran with us to the main square where we settled in the shade of an old tree.

Sledeća stanica na našem putu je Smederevo, staro srpsko srednjevekovno utvrđenje na Dunavu. Mada je temperatura bila oko 35C dočekala nas je grupa sportista na ulasku u grad i trčala sa nama do glavnog trga gde smo se smestili u hladu jednog starog stabla.

Just like previous stop, once more we were received in a traditional manner with some bread and salt.

Kao i na prethodnoj stanici, opet smo imali tradicionali doček sa hlebom i solju.

We handed over the Peace Torch to the Town Secretary for Sports, Mr Sasha Branezac, a man who made it possible for us to present the Peace Run at the Town Square, and in spite of great heat and school holidays, to meet the young athletes. After he welcomed us and offered his wishes of success for our endeavors, he invited the president of the Peace Run for Serbia to speak and convey our message, the message of peace and friendship.

Predali smo Baklju mira gradskom sekretaru za sport, gospodinu Saši Branežcu, čoveku koji nam je omogućio da na gradskom trgu predstavimo Trku mira i da se uprkos velikim vrućinama i školskom raspustu susretnemo sa mladim sportistima. Pošto nam je poželeo dobrodošlicu i uspeh u našim nastojanjima, pozvao je predsednika Trke mira Srbije da se obrati i prenese našu poruku, poruku mira i prijateljstva.

Like in other cities, we sang our anthem and invited all present to join us.

Kao i u svim gradovima otpevali smo našu himnu i pozvali prisutne da nam se pridruže.

It's unbelievable how appealing the power of the Peace Torch is!

Neverovatno je to koliku privlačnu moć Baklja mira ima!

Everybody always wants to hold it and transfer their message - further to the world.

Uvek svi žele da je uzmu u ruke i prenesu svoju poruku dalje – u svet.

At the end we all cooled down a little bit in a fountain nearby.

Na kraju smo se svi malo rashladili u obližnjoj fontani.

Big thanks to Smederevo, thanks to the Athletic Club of Smederevo and to everyone who made it possible for us to present our Run.

Hvala Smederevu, hvala atletskom klubu Smederevo i svima onima koji su nam omogućili da predstavimo našu Trku.

Till next time… may peace rule your streets and your hearts.

Do sledećeg puta... neka mir vlada na vašim ulicama i u vašim srcima.

It's already afternoon and the Peace Run continues it's journey. Children members of the Athletic Club of Pozarevac carry the Peace Torch as we run towards the City Park where everybody is getting ready for our manifestation...

Već je popodne i Trka mira nastavlja svoje putovanje. Deca članovi AK Požarevac nose Baklju mira dok trčimo prema Gradskom parku u kome se svi spremaju za našu manifestaciju...

The City Mayor of Pozarevac, Mr Sasha Pavlovic welcomed the Peace Run with kind words and an open heart.

Gradonačelnik grada Požarevca g. Saša Pavlović, dočekao je Trku mira prijateljskim rečima i otvorenog srca.

In the atmosphere beaming with joy he shook hands with the runners and greeted all the children runners in an informal way. The mayor is also known for his dedicated service to the prosperity of Pozarevac and for cherishing the traditional values of the city.

U atmosferi koja je blistala od radosti, rukovao se sa trkačima i na neformalan način se pozdravio sa svom decom trkačima. Gradonačelnik je takođe poznat i po svojoj posvećenosti napretku grada i očuvanju tradicionalnih vrednosti.

The City Mayor received the Peace Torch handed to him by the President of the Peace Run for Serbia and gave a very nice talk, wholeheartedly accepting the vision and the goals of the Peace Run.

Gradonačelik je prihvatio Baklju mira koju mu je predao predsednik Trke mira za Srbiju i održao je predivan govor svim srcem prihvatajući viziju i ciljeve Peace Run-a.

In his talk he admired the words of the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy, "Lasting peace must begin within the depths of the individual, and from there spread in ever-widening circles as a dynamic force for world change.”

U svom govoru divio se rečima osnivača Trke mira, Šri Činmoja: “Trajni mir mora započeti u srcu pojedinca i odatle se rasprostirati u krugovima koji se sve više i više šire, kao jedna dinamična sila u pravcu menjanja sveta.”

And while we were introducing ourselves...

A dok smo se mi predstavljali...

small children from the "Butterflies" ensemble were listening to our program carefully

dečica iz ansambla "Leptirići" pažljivo su slušala naš program

We sang our Peace Run Anthem...

Otpevali smo našu himnu Trke mira...

and now it was their turn to enchant us with their sweet performances with traditional dancing

i sada je došao red na njih da nas očaraju svojim slatkim nastupima sa tradicionalnim plesom.

All the cheerful performances of the kindergarten children gave us a lot of joy

Svi veseli nastupi predškolske dece su nam pružili mnogo radosti

And then we presented the Torch Bearer Award to the representatives of the City of Pozarevac for their unconditional and exceptional support to the Peace Run.

A onda smo uručili Medalju Trke mira predstavnicima Grada Prožarevca za njihovu bezuslovnu i izuzetnu podršku Trci mira.

The Mayor Mr Sasha Pavlovic and a member of the City Council for sports Mr Milan Jovic received the medal on behalf of the City, as a symbol of our gratitude for the hospitality and organization of the Peace Run event in the City of Pozarevac.

U ime grada medalju su primili gradonačelnik g. Saša Pavlović i gradski većnik zadužen za sport g. Milan Jović, kao znak naše zahvalnosti za gostoprimstvo i organizaciju manifetacije Trke mira u gradu požarevcu.

Love, peace and good will spread around with the Peace Torch

Ljubav, mir i dobra volja širili su se sa Bakljom mira

And some took it very seriously...

A neki su to shvatili veoma ozbiljno...

May the City of Pozarevac live in peace and harmony and may love and friendship grow every day among its people.

Neka grad Požarevac živi u miru i harmoniji i neka ljubav i prijateljstvo među ljudima rastu svakog dana.

When the program ended we visited the Museum at the Hippodrome, known for the Ljubicevo Equestrian Games.

Kada se program završio, posetili smo Muzej na Hipodromu poznatom po Ljubičevskim konjičkim igrama.

Today is the International Danube Day and we are happy to unveil the Plaque dedicated to the Danube Peace River at Kostolac.

Danas je Međunarodni dan Dunava i srećni smo što ćemo otkriti Ploču posvećenu Dunavu Reci Mira u Kostolcu.

The Local Marathon Team eagerly waited for us and ran with us carrying the Peace Torch to the place at the river bank where the plaque will be unveiled.

Lokalni Maraton tim nas je oduševljeno čekao i trčao je sa nama noseći Baklju mira do mesta na obali reke na kome će plaketa biti otkrivena.

The City Council resposible for education, Mr Goran Nestorovic, phD who was our guest of honour at the reception at the Parliamentin ran with us a member of the fantastic Marathon Team from Pozarevac.

U sjajnom Požarevačkom Maraton timu sa nama je trčao i gospodin dr Goranom Nestorović, gradski većnik zadužen za prosvetu, koji je bio i naš počasni gost na prijemu u Skupštini.

The Mayor unveiled the Plaque with the President of the Peace Run for Serbia.

Gradonačelnik je otkrio Ploču sa Predsednikom Trke mira za Srbiju.

At the end we sang a Peace song

Za kraj smo otpevali pesmu o miru

And some local kids finally found a reason to smile.

A neki lokalni klinci konačno su pronašli razlog da se osmehnu.

Finally we arrived at our destination for the day, Viminacium, the ancient Roman City. It was a long and fulfilling day...

Konačno smo stigli na svoje odredište za današnji dan, Viminacijum, drevni Rimski grad. Bio je to dug i ispunjujući dan...

We spent a quiet evening contemplating the setting sun.

Proveli smo mirno veče kontemplirajući na zalazak sunca.

Torch carried by
Bashata Cimesha (United States), Dejan Despotovic (Serbia), Devarupi Buczkowska (Poland), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Ilija Djordjevic Arsic (Serbia), Jadranka Grbic (Serbia), Jelena Pribanic (Croatia), Jovana Milenković (Serbia), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Margarita Trajcheva (North Macedonia), Mona Majkovska (North Macedonia), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Pedja Knezevic (Serbia), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Stevan Letic (Serbia), Taneesha Djuric (Canada), Tünde Fülöp (Austria).  
Gints Peleckis, Madhurima Knezevic, Pedja Knezevic
The torch has travelled 98.0 km from Belgrade to Viminacium.

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