Korrik 1, 2022 Live from the road

Veliko Gradiste - Donji Milanovac

Reported by Irina Skerl 73.0 km

Today we continued to follow the flow of Danube further to its final destination - the Black Sea. The representatives of the Athletic Federation of Golubac waited for us in the settlement of Vinci. As they carried the Peace Torch we all ran together to Golubac bringing the message of Peace and Friendship to this beautiful town on the Danube.

Danas smo nastavili da pratimo tok Dunava dalje ka njegovom konačnom odredištu - Crnom moru. predstavnici Sportskog saveza Opštine Golubac čekali su nas u naselju Vinci. Preuzevši Baklju mira, svi zajedno smo trčali ka Golupcu donoseći poruku mira i prijateljstva u ovaj prelepi gradić na Dunavu.

The Deputy Mayor of Golubac, Mr Marko Stojakovic received the Peace Torch which symbolizes our sincere wishes for peace and harmony in in the world.

G. Marko Stojaković, zamenik predsednika Opštine Golubac primio je Baklju mira koja simbolizuje naše iskrene želje za mirom i harmonijom u svetu.

He said that the town of Golubac supports the Peace Run from year to year, and he expressed the readiness of the community of Golubac to build a better future together with all the people of goodwill and create more peace in the world.

Rekao je da grad Golubac podržava Trku mira iz godine u godinu i pokazao je spremnost zajednice da sa svim dobronamernim ljudima gradi bolju i mirniju budućnost u svetu.

And while children artworks from the local schools were exhibited...

I dok su likovni radovi dece iz obližnjih škola bili izloženi...

the program started with some traditional singing and dancing by the Folk ensemble of "Veljko Dugosevic" National Library.

program je počeo tradicionalnom pesmom i plesom folklornog ansambla Narodne biblioteke ,,Veljko Dugošević’.

We enjoyed their performance...

Uživali smo u njihovom nastupu...

with some typical rhythms and colours...

sa svojim tipičnim ritmom i koloritom...

The program continued with very cute performances of the small children from the "Lasta" kindergarden

Program se nastavio ljupkim nastupima dečice iz predškolske ustanove "Lasta"

They even offered us some little stars...

Čak su nam podelili nekoliko zvezdica...

and Ukrainian member of our team was totally delighted with his present.

i član našeg tima iz Ukrajine je bio potpuno ushićen poklonom.

Then the town of Golubac showed us some of their favorite sports...

Zatim nam je grad Golubac prikazao neke od omiljenih sportova...

We liked the skills of the members of the Karate Club Djerdap and the School of Volleyball Danube 17 from Golupac...

Dopale su nam se veštine članova Karate kluba Đerdap i Škole odbojke Dunav 17 iz Golupca...

The President of the Peace Run in Serbia spoke about the necessity of peace in the world

Predsednik Trke mira za Srbiju govorio je o neophodnosti mira u svetu

and we presented our team...

a mi smo predstavili tim...

and once more we sang our Anthem..

i još jednom smo otpevali himnu Trke mira...

As always, the oldest as well as the youngest...

Kao i uvek oni najstariji, kao i oni najmlađi...

wanted to hold the Peace Torch and send their hopes for peace and for more understanding in the world.

želeli su da uzmu Baklju u ruke i pošalju svoje nade za mirom i za većim razumevanjem u svetu.

May peace rule the world.

Neka mir zavlada svetom.

At the end we took a wonderful group photo.

Na kraju smo napravili divnu zajedničku fotografiju.

The President of the Athletic Federation of Golubac, Mr Jovica Josic (on the left), the President of the Touristic Organisation of Golubac Mr Radisa Bogdanovic (in the middle) and the Deputy Mayor of Golubac Mr Marko Stojakovic (on the right) took a photo holding the peace Torch with our Peace Run Coordinator for Golubac, Milos Antic. We thank you from our hearts for all your selfless efforts in organizing a great Peace Run Manifestation in your beloved Town.

G. Jovica Josić, predsednik golubačkog Sportskog saveza (levo), g. Radiša Bogdanović, predsednik Turističke organizacije Golupca (u sredini) i g. Marko Stojaković, zamenik predsenika opštine Golubac (desno) slikali su se dok drže Baklju mira sa Milošem Antićem, našim koordinatorom Trke mira za Golubac. Hvala vam od srca na svim nesebičnim naporima u organizacije divne manifestacije Trke mira u Golupcu.

Free time we spent driving on a ferryboat and visiting a beautiful Fortress of Golubac and the prehistoric archeological site of Lepenski vir in the proximity of Donji Milanovac.

Slobodno vreme smo proveli vozeći se splavom i u poseti predivnoj Golubačkoj tvrđavi i Lepenskom viru, praistorijskom arheološkom nalazištu u blizini Donjeg Milanovca.

We keep the Peace Torch lit wherever we go. It lifts our hearts and widens our horizons in the spirit of oneness and friendship. Tomorrow is our last day and we will hand it over to the Bulgarian runners.

Mi držimo Baklju mira upaljenom gde god da idemo. Ona uzdiže naša srca i proširuje naše horizonte u duhu jedinstva i prijateljstva. Sutra je naš poslednji dan i predaćemo je bugarskim trkačima.

We walked around the walls of the Fortress...

Obilazili smo zidine Tvrđave...

and we carried the message of peace and love...

i nosili smo poruku mira i ljubavi...

enjoying the breathtaking beauty of the site.

uživajući u lepoti ovog mesta koja oduzima dah.

And there was time for some ice cream...

A bilo je vremena i za sladoled...

and for some good coffee too!

a i za jednu dobru kafu takođe!

This is our today's international team of runners. We carry the Peace Torch as a symbol of human aspiration for a happier and more beautiful world.

Ovo je naš današnji međunarodni tim trkača. Mi nosimo upaljenu Baklju mira kao simbol ljudske težnje za jednim lepšim i srećnijim svetom.

In the afternoon we visited Lepenski Vir, the oldest planned settlement in Europe that had quite unique, trapezoid-shaped houses.

U popodnevnim časovima smo posetili Lepenski vir, najstarije plansko naselje u Evropi koje je imalo sasvim jedinstvene kuće trapezoidnog oblika.

It's time to continue our journey and we invoke Inner Peace...

Vreme je da nastavimo putovanje tako da prizvamo Unutrašnji mir...

to continue towards Donji Milanovac.

da bismo nastavili ka Donjem Milanovcu.

Children athletes, the "Porec" soccer players and the citizens of Donji Milanovac joined us on the way...

Deca sportisti, fudbaleri "Poreča" i građani Donjeg Milanovca su nam se usput pridružili...

to carry the Peace Torch with us...

da bi nosili Baklju mira sa nama...

and we ran to the Centre of the City.

i trčali smo do centra grada.

Member of the City Council of Majdanpek (Donji Milanovac), Mr Dario Mijatovic was our host. He received the Peace Run with great joy and expressed his gratitude to the international team and to the participants of the Peace Run which promotes peace, love and equality among people.

Naš domaćin bio je g. Dario Mijatović, član Gradskog veća Majdanpeka (Donjeg Milanovca). Primio nas je sa velikom radošću i zahvalio se internacionalnom timu i učesnicima Trke mira koja promoviše mir, ljubav i jednakost među ljudima.

We presented the Peace Run to the citizens and to the children of Donji Milanovac...

Predstavili smo Trku mira građanima i deci Donjeg Milanovca...

and we played our amusing game with the children once again...

i još jednom smo odigrali našu zabavnu igru sa decom...

Then we sang the Peace Run anthem with special choreography cheerfully joined by the children.

Zatim smo opevali himnu Trke mira uz posebnu koreografiju u koju su se deca radosno uključila.

We had so much fun and we became great friends.

Tako smo se zabavili i postali smo veliki prijatelji.

Young girls - members of the "Amater" Folk Art Society from Topolnica Village enriched the event with beautifully interwoven dances...

Mlade članice kulturno umetničkog društva ,,Amater" iz sela Topolnica uveličale su ovaj događaj prelepim spletom igara...

Once more we felt the irresistible power of peace inside the Torch...

Još jednom smo u Baklji osetili neodoljivu moć mira...

Everybody wanted to hold the Peace Torch in Donji Milanovac, even the youngest ones...

Svi su želeli da uzmu u ruke Baklju mira u Donjem Milanovcu, čak i oni najmlađi...

and share their dreams of a better world.

i da podele svoje snove o jednom boljem svetu.

Big thanks to all of you from Donji Milanovac for the unforgettable moments of Peace and Love you shared with us. Let peace rule your heart.

Veoma smo zahvalni svima vama u Donjem Milanovcu za nezaboravne trenutke mira i ljubavi koje ste podelili sa nama. Neka mir vlada u vašem srcu.

Torch carried by
Bashata Cimesha (United States), Dejan Despotovic (Serbia), Devarupi Buczkowska (Poland), Deveshu Zuderell (Austria), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Ilija Djordjevic Arsic (Serbia), Jelena Pribanic (Croatia), Jovana Milenković (Serbia), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Margarita Trajcheva (North Macedonia), Mona Majkovska (North Macedonia), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Pedja Knezevic (Serbia), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Stevan Letic (Serbia), Taneesha Djuric (Canada), Tünde Fülöp (Austria).  
Bashata Cimesha, Gints Peleckis, Pedja Knezevic
The torch has travelled 73.0 km from Veliko Gradiste to Donji Milanovac.

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