Korrik 2, 2022 Live from the road

Bregovo - Vidin

Reported by Varenya Gagova 36.0 km

Beaming smiles on both sides of the border for the are no barriers for the heart to heart dream for peace.

Широки усмивки от двете страни на границата, защото няма гранични бариери между сърцата, мечтаещи за мир.

Special honoury guest at today's ceremonies was the Bulgarian Olympic champion Madlen Radukanova who greeted the international team at the Serbian border along with the deputy major of Bregovo.

Специален почетен гост на днешните церемонии бе българската олимпийска шампионка Мадлен Радуканова, която приветства международния отбор на сръбската граница заедно със зам.-кмета на Брегово.

The team set off to run to the city of Bregovo.

Отборът потегля към гр. Брегово

At the border city of Bregovo the team was greeted with traditional bread and salt and had an enthusiastic welcome by the local brass band and then the runners continued towards the city centre.

The deputy major Mrs. Gogoritsova took the torch from Madlen and expressed her heartfelt gratitude for our efforts of spreading the message of world peace.

Зам.-кметът г-жа Гогорицова прие факела от Мадлен и изказа сърдечната си благодарност за нашите усилия да разпространяваме посланието за световен мир.

As a recognition for her inspirational example the Golden girl of Bulgaria received an official note of being chosen as an honoury citizen of the city of Bregovo by Mr. Orlin Tsvetkov - a member of the local council.

A group of young artists had prepared an exhibition of paintings on the theme of peace. After receiving the special thanks of the Team they were invited to plant flowers in the small Peace Garden.

The Peace Garden marks the foundations of the future Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossom Fountain that will live in the heart of Bregovo and its deep love for peace and friendship. A special plaque will remind everyone that it is up to each one of us to bring about more harmony in the world by starting with our local community.

A group photo marks the beginning of the Team's journey towards the next city.

Planting a Peace Tree - the sign said it all - the trees marked the happy occasion of the visit of the Peace Run.

Засаждане на Дръвче на мира - както сочи надписът. С дръвчетата бе отбелязано радостното събитие: преминаването на Пробега на мира.

The city of Vidin awaits us with Madlen Radukanova, the Bulgarian Olympic champion, leading the way.

The Team could not resist the truly remarkable building of the Regional historical museum.

Отборът не можа да подмине наистина забележителната сграда на Регионалния исторически музей.

The times for wars are over - let's hold the Peace Touch!

Времето на войните е отминало - да издигнем Факела на мира!

We arrived at the city of Vidin and Madlen passed the Torch to the deputy major Mrs. Borissova who welcomed the runners on behalf of the city. She wished to everyone to carry the message of peace and friendship from heart to heart. With pride she highlighted the fact that the city has hosted the Peace Run three times already.

Vidin's enthusiastic brass band led the way to the plaque that highlights that the city has joined more then 1000 landmarks by becoming a Peace Blossom City.

Ентусиазираният духов оркестър на Видин ни поведе към паметната плоча в чест на обявяването на Видин за "Град - Цвете на мира" заедно с над 1000 забележителности по целия свят.

Видин - Цвете на мира

Then the Team continued its run through the river park to the fortress of Baba Vida.

След това отборът продължи бягането през крайречния парк към крепостта "Баба Вида".

Крепостта Баба Вида

A future peace ambassador joined the Team. Off to the EOS hotel that accommodated the runners at the kind invitation of the municipality of Vidin.

Един бъдещ посланик на мира се присъедини към отбора. Продължаваме към хотел "Еос", който настани бегачите по любезната покана на Община Видин.

Torch carried by
Bulgarian runners (Bulgaria), Devarupi Buczkovska (Poland), Deveshu Zuderell (Austria), Frederic Ashcharjya Gat (France), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Ilija Djordjevic Arsic (Serbia), Jovana Milenković (Serbia), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Sadanand Magee (Ireland).  
Gints Peleckis, Hrishikesh Karov
The torch has travelled 36.0 km from Bregovo to Vidin.

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