Korrik 2, 2022 Live from the road

Donji Milanovac - Negotin

Reported by Irina Skerl 116.0 km

Our last day started by warmly meeting the representatives of Kladovo and we ran with them to the main town square.

Poslednji dan je počeo srdačnim susretom sa predstavnicima Kladova sa kojima smo trčali do glavnog gradskog trga.

Hello Kladovo, we're arriving soon!

Zdravo Kladovo, uskoro stižemo!

The Deputy Commissioner of the Municipal Fathers of the City of Kladovo, Mr Dusan Belic received the Peace Torch at the City entrance.

G. Dušan Belić, zamenik načelnika Opštinske uprave grada Kladovo primio je Baklju mira na ulasku u grad.

The Assistent to the President of the Municipality of Kladovo, Mr Slavoljub Maletic was more than happy to carry the Peace Torch to the main city square. The athletics from Kladovo, led by the Secretary of the Athletic Association of Kladovo, Mr Borko Tufajevic, as well as the Coordinator of the Youth Office, Mr Dejan Novicic cheerfully joined him...

G. Slavoljub Maletić, pomoćnik predsednika Opštine Kladovo je bio više nego srećan da ponese Baklju mira do gravnog trga u gradu. Radosno su mu se pridružili i sportisti iz Kladova koje je predvodio Borko Tufajević, sekretar Sportskog saveza Kladova, kao i Dejan Novčić, koordinator Kancelarije za mlade...

We carried the Peace Torch and the flame that symbolises human aspiration for peace, freedom, harmony and tolerance.

Nosili smo Baklju mira i njen plamen koji simbolizuje ljudsku težnju za mirom, za slobodom, za harmonijom, za tolerancijom.

We exchanged our well wishes and met some old and some new friends.

Razmenili smo dobre želje i sreli smo neke stare i neke nove prijatelje.

Mr Maletic expressed his gratitude to the National Assembly and to the Local Autonomy, as well as to all the runners and organizers of this great Manifestation dedicated to Peace.

G. Maletić se zahvalio Skupštini Srbije i Lokalnoj samoupravi i svim trkačima i organizatorima ove izuzetne manifestacije posvećene miru.

The President of the Peace Run in Serbia greeted the City representatives and all attending the event. In his talk he said, "We believe that the entire planet will one day be painted in the colours of peace."

Predsednik Trke mira za Srbiju pozdravio je predstavnike grada i sve prisutne na ovom događaju. U svom govoru je rekao: "Verujemo da će jednog dana cela planeta biti obojena bojama mira."

Our team members introduced themselves and introduced the countries they come from. Austria, Germany, Canada, USA, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Hungary... and more...

Članovi našeg tima su se predstavili i predstavili su zemlje iz kojih dolaze: Austrija, Nemačka, Kanada, SAD, Ukrajina, Poljska, Letonija, Mađarska... i tako dalje...

The audiences enjoyed all the performances...

Publika je uživala u svim predstavama...

the small preschool children

predškolske dečice

then the "Rea Dance"...

zatim "Rea Dance" plesa...

The folk group "Grivna" shared with us the special spirit of the City of Kladovo.

Etno grupa "Grivna" dočarala nam je posebni duh grada Kladovo.

Children were eager to join us...

Deca su gorela od želje da nam se pridruže...

so we sang our Peace Run Anthem

pa smo otpevali našu himnu Trke mira

and we had great fun

i mnogo smo se zabavili

All present wanted to have a picture with the Peace Torch

Svi prisutni su želeli da imaju sliku sa Bakljom mira

and to send their wishes for Peace to the world.

i da pošalju u svet svoje želje za mirom.

Beautiful artwork created by school children from Kladovo on the theme of Danube - the Peace River, were displayed

Izloženi su predivni likovni radovi školske dece iz Kladova na temu Dunav - Reka mira

The River of Friendship

Reka prijateljstva

One who has a friend, has everything

Ko ima druga, ima sve

Best friends, always together in the rain and in the sun.

Najbolji prijatelji, uvek zajedno, i po kiši i po suncu.

In Kladovo we also took a group photo with everybody.

I u Kladovu smo se slikali sa svima grupno.

Today the City of Kladovo received a Plaque dedicated to Danube, the Peace River, which was placed at the most beautiful place at the Danube Square. It was an honour and people felt sincere gratitude.

Grad Kladovo je danas dobio Ploču posvećenu Dunavu, reci mira, koja je postavljena na najlepšem mestu na Dunavskom keju. To je bila počast i ljudi su osetili iskrenu zahvalnost.

The Assistent to the President of the Municipality of Kladovo, Mr Maletic and our runner from Nis, Aleksandar Arsic who is the winner of the longest road race in the world which is 3100 miles long, unveiled the Plaque together.

G. Maletić, pomoćnik predsednika Opštine Kladovo i Aleksandar Arsić, naš trkač iz Niša koji je pobednik najduže drumske trke na svetu duge 3100 milja (oko 5000km), otkrili su Ploču zajedno.

It was a very special moment, specially when we sang the song dedicated to peace.

Bio je to veoma poseban trenutak, naročito kada smo otpevali pesmu posvećenu miru.

Thank you Kladovo, we will cherish your friendship and your goodwill and carry it with us around the globe.

Hvala ti, Kladovo, čuvaćemo tvoje prijateljstvo i tvoju dobru volju i nositi je sa sobom oko sveta.

Our last stop in Serbia was Negotin, a town near Romanian and Bulgarian border.

Naša poslednja stanica u Srbiji je bio Negotin, grad u blizini Rumunske i Bugarske granice.

At city entrance we were welcomed by an ultra runner from Negotin, Igor Babic, who recently finished the 250 km long Ultra Race in Sahara known as the "Marathon des Sables".

Na ulazu u grad dočekao nas je negotinski ultramaratonac Igor Babić koji je nedavno istrčao ultramaratonsku trku u Sahari dugu 250km poznatu kao "Peščani maraton" (Marathon des sables).

Ba carrying the Peace Torch to the main Town Square, he has joined many of the world marathon runners and ultra runners who have been sharing the same dream of peace with us for the past 35 years.

Noseći Baklju mira u grad, on se pridružio brojnim svetskim maratoncima i ultramaratoncima koji su tokom poslednjih 35 godina imali isti san o miru kao i mi.

He expressed his enthusiasm for this glorious day and event, saying that he was very glad that the Peace Run passed through the City of Negotin, although today it was actually warmer than in Sahara.

Izrazio je svoje oduševljenje za ovaj veličanstven dan i događaj i rekao da mu je veoma drago što je Trka mira prošla kroz Negotin, iako je danas bilo zapravo toplije nego u Sahari.

We introduced ourselves to the audiences

Predstavili smo se publici

Aleksandar Arsic from Nis is a world class ultra runner who loves to run for peace. He just finished the 10 Day Ultra Race in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Aleksandar Arsic iz Niša je ultramaratonac svetske klase koji voli da trči za mir. Nedavno je istrčao Ultra trku na 10 dana u Sofiji, Bugarska.

The traditional manifestation "Negotin Summer" started today with the reception of the International Peace Run, and the House of Culture and the Athletic Federation organized a program with some wonderful performances, just to honour us. At the very beginning of the program, a solo singer Milena Markovic enthrilled us with her beautiful voice.

Dočekom Međunarodne Trke mira danas je počela Tradicionalna manifestacija "Negotinsko leto", a Dom kulture i Sportski savez Negotina su uz podršku grada organizovali priredbu sa predivnim programom da bi nam ukazali počast . Na samom početku programa, solo pevačica Milena Marković ushitila nas je svojim predivnim glasom.

We enjoyed the performances of the small children from the Kindergarten "Pcelica"...

Uživali smo u nastupima dečice iz predškolske ustanove "Pčelica"...

and the Folk ensemble "Zlatnovez" from the Stevan Mokranjac School of Music...

i Etno grupe "Zlatnovez" iz Muzičke škole "Stevan Mokranjac"...

We also enjoyed all the traditional dances, beautifully performed by the members of the Stevan Mokranjac Society of Culture and Art from Negotin.

Takođe smo uživali i u svim tradicionalnim kolima koje su nam predstavili članovi Kulturno-umetničkog društva Stevan Mokranjac iz Negotina

And some members of the audience wanted to record these moments of love and peace.

A neki od članova publike su želeli da ovekoveče ove trenutke ljubavi i mira.

Then the fantastic guiter player from Negotin, Mateja Vojvodanovic...

Onda je fantastični gitarista iz Negotina, Mateja Vojvodanović...

animated the audience

oduševio publiku

Everybody likes to take a photo with our Peace Torch and to feel that they belong to the Oneness-Home World Family.

Svi žele da se slikaju sa našom Bakljom mira i da osete da pripadaju Domu jedinstva svetske porodice.

Oh, and even some Free Riders joined us!

O, a čak su nam se i neki Slobodni Jahači pridružili!

We all share the same dream that one day we will live in the world ruled by peace.

Svi mi imami isti san da ćemo jednog dana živeti u svetu u kome vlada mir.

Devarupi is the runner from Warsaw, Poland and she is with the Peace Run for the second time in Serbia. She is delighted with the hospitality of our people and with the beauty of our country and she wants to transfer these impressions to the people in her country and wherever she goes.

Devarupi je trkačica iz Varšave u Poljskoj i već drugi put je u Srbiji sa Trkom mira. Oduševljena je gostoprimstvom naših ljudi i lepotom naše zemlje i želi da prenese te utiske ljudima u svojoj zemlji i gde god na ide.

At the end of the program we were getting ready to head towards Kusjak near Negotin, where our last Plaque dedicated to Danube, the Peace River will be unveiled.

Na kraju programa smo se pripremali da produžimo ka Kusjaku kraj Negotina, gde će biti otkrivena poslednja Ploča posvećena Dunavu, reci mira.

The member of the City Council who is in charge for Sports and Youth, Mr Dalibor Masic expressed great respect and his gratitude towards the participants and organizers of today's Peace Run Event, for all they are doing. Our Peace Run Coordinator for Kladovo and Negotin, Danijela Vlahovic was warmely greeted by him.

G. Dalibor Mašić, član Gradskog veća zadužen za sport i omladinu izrazio je veliko poštovanje i svoju zahvalnost prema učesnicima i organizatorima današnje Trke mira, za sve što rade. Toplo je pozdravio Danijelu Vlahović, našu koordinatorku Trke mira za Kladovo i Negotin.

And then the representative of the City Council unveiled the Plaque together with our Peace Run Coordinator for Croatia, Gordana Petrovčić who lives in Oslo, Norway.

A onda je predstavnik Gradskog veća otrkio Ploču zajedno sa našim koordinatorom Trke mira za Hrvatsku, Gordanom Petrovčić, koja živi u Oslu, Norveška.

Once more we felt the beauty of peace and harmony as we sang the song about the new world of peace and light.

Još jednom smo osetili lepotu mira i harmonije dok smo pevali pesmu o novom svetu ispunjenom mirom i svetlošću.

Now the time was ripe to head towards the border and to pass the Peace Torch to our Bulgarian brothers and sisters to continue the mission of carrying the message of Peace on our European Danube Peace Run.

Sazrelo je vreme da krenemo ka granici i da predamo Baklju Mira našoj bugarskoj braći i sestrama da nastave misiju pronošenja poruke mira na našoj evropskoj, dunavskoj Trci mira.

It is a 3000 km long prayer for peace...

To je 3000 km duga molitva za mir...

The sun was setting down as we felt blessed by its mystic light at the end of our journey for the year.

Sunce je zalazilo dok smo osećali da nas ono blagosilja svojom mističnom svetlošću na kraju našeg ovogodišnjeg putovanja.

Torch carried by
Bashata Cimesha (United States), Dejan Despotovic (Serbia), Devarupi Buczkowska (Poland), Deveshu Zuderell (Austria), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Ilija Djordjevic Arsic (Serbia), Jadranka Grbic (Serbia), Jelena Pribanic (Croatia), Jovana Milenković (Serbia), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Margarita Trajcheva (North Macedonia), Mona Majkovska (North Macedonia), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Pedja Knezevic (Serbia), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Stevan Letic (Serbia), Taneesha Djuric (Canada), Tünde Fülöp (Austria).  
Bashata Cimesha, Gints Peleckis, Martina Tripkovic, Pedja Knezevic
The torch has travelled 116.0 km from Donji Milanovac to Negotin.

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