Shta. 19, 2022 Live from the road

Pawtucket, Rhode Island

Reported by Sharika Xavier

Peace Run at the Cape Verdean Museum, CACD, and Cape Verdean Festival in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

President Jose Maria Neves of the Republic of Cabo Verde attends the grand opening ceremony of the Cape Verdean Museum at its new location in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

Peace Run at the first Cape Verdean Museum in the United States!

Mayor of Boa Vista, Island of Cabo Verde, visits with the Cape Verdean Community at CACD.

Mayor Claudio Mendonca of Boa Vista, island of Cabo Verde, and staff Bernardina Gomes and Walter Evora.

Jim Vincent, President of the NAACP of Providence, received an award for his years of dedicated service to the community and took the opportunity to hold the peace torch.

Rosa holds the peace torch at Carnival during the Cape Verdean Festival.

A moment’s truth
Can and shall make the world beautiful.
A moment’s peace
Can and shall save the world.
A moment’s love
Can and shall make the world perfect.
-Sri Chinmoy

Torch carried by
Sharika Xavier (Cape Verde).  
Sharika Xavier

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