Due to some technical problems most of the photos taken today were lost and we are unable to share them with you. However, the day is saved by our talented videographer, who is relentlessly working hard to prepare videos for our daily reports. We recommend that you watch the video first before reading the description of the day's events.
Por problemas tecnicos la mayor parte de fotografias capturadas se perdieron de tal manera es incapaz de compartirlas con ustedes. Sin embargo, el dia fue salvado por nuestro talentoso videografo, que sin descanso trabajo duro para preparar videos para nuestros reportes diarios.

We dedicate this day to all those special individuals who selflessly help and support others.
We began our day with Diego De Castro (pushing the standing kart) and Emmanuel Falcon (the enthusiastic kart rider) who came to our accommodation to run with us. Diego owns the restaurant where we had our dinner the night before. He was eager to join us, along with his friend Emmanuel, for the first half of the day. They turned out to be a huge inspiration for our team. Diego pushes his friend Emmanuel on a standing kart while training and to many running events. He said these activities are bringing happiness to his friend and curing his disability. This act of kindness is bringing peace and joy in Diego's life and he is grateful for it.
In the morning, we also met some students of the local high school of La Paz, Marcelino H. Blanco, and ran with them for our first ceremony at their school. The school greeted us with great enthusiasm and were eager to know about the Peace Run. At the end of the ceremony they also performed for us and took selfies with the team members. During our presentation we honored the Director of the school, Jorge Negri, with our Torch-Bearer award for his selfless service to the community. Then we ran to our next school, Ferrocarriles Argentinos. We were received with the same enthusiasm as the previous school. The school director, Adriana Araya, received our Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the school. We also took the opportunity to present our Torch-Bearer award to Diego and Manuel.
After our ceremonies, Diego, Emmanuel and Tito, another local athlete, ran with us for nearly 10 km. Diego and Manuel were very moved by the experience they had with the torch, and our whole team was deeply inspired by the incredible bond of friendship that these two special souls share.
Nosotros les recomendamos mirar el video y tener un vistazo de este dia.
Dedicamos este dia a todos aquellos amigos quienes desinteresaamente colaboran y apoyan a sus amigos.
Al inicio de nuestro dia conocimos a Diego De Castro (el hombre que estuvo empujando el carrito para correr) y Emmanuel (el entusiasta conductor del carrito) Se nos unieron en el hotel para correr con nosotros. Diego, dueño del restaurante donde tuvimos nuestra cena la noche anterior. El estuvo ansioso por unirse a nosotros junto a su amigo por la primera mitad del dia. Sin esperarlo, ellos serian una gran inspiracion para nuestro equipo.
Diego lleva a Emmanuel sobre un carrito de carreras para correr grandes distancias en eventos de carreras. El dice que estas actividades traen felicidad a Emmanuel y alivian su incapacidad. Este acto de bondad trae mucha paz y felicidad en la vida de Diego y el esta muy agradecido con eso.
En la maña tambien conocimos a algunos estudiantes locales del colegio de La Paz, Marcelino H. Blanco, y corrimos junto a ellos hacia nuestra primera ceremonia en su colegio. El colegio nos recbio con gran entusiamso y estaban ansiosos por saber sobre la Carrera Por La Paz. Al final de la ceremonia ellos tambien nos hicieron presentaciones y se tomaron muchas selfies con los miembros del equipo. Tambien durante la presentacion nosotros honramos al Director del colegio, Jorge Negri, con nuestra medalla "Torch-Bearer" (portador de la antorcha) por su desinteresado servicio a la comunidad. Luego corrimos al proximo colegio, Ferrocarriles Argentinos, para nuestra siguiente ceremonia. Fuimos recibidos con el mismo entusiasmo como en el colegio anterior. La Directora del colegio, Adriana Araya, recibio el Certificado de Apreciacion en nombre del colegio, tambien vimos la oportunidad de entregar el premio de "Torch-Bearer" a Diego y a Emmanuel.
Luego de nuestras ceremonias; Diego, Emmanuel y otro corredor local "Tito" se nos unieron a nuestro recorrido usual por casi 10 km. Diego y Manuel fueron conmovidos por su experiencia con la antorcha, tambien el equipo entero de corredores fueron profundamente inspirados por la increible bondad de amistad que estas dos especiales almas comparten.