Today we were running from Bunbury to Fremantle, mostly heading up the Old Coast Road and Highway 1, which was a great deal busier than we have been used to over the past few weeks!

You felt the switch from the country to the city even more today. We were running on a larger road, we had two lanes each way ... after 3 weeks of country roads and scarce traffic it was a little mind blowing to start with, then we got into the rhythm of the sound of cars whizzing past ...

Once we turned onto the quieter Old Coast Highway, we could hear the birds quite clearly while passing through a wooded area ...

As we proceeded into the built up area of Mandurah we crossed a beautiful river, by a pedestrian bridge ...

It seemed that every runner today was stopped and asked about the Run by fascinated locals. Several took photos of us – and we of them! Dianne was almost moved to tears by what we were doing. She wished us a very sincere good luck with our journey.

We are all excited to be approaching the long-awaited destination of Perth, but at the same time our whole girls team will be finishing in Perth and a new crew will be starting, so we are all experiencing a range of emotions ...

... we have had so many deep, beautiful and joy-filled experiences together across this vast, magnificent land ...

Though we as individuals may be finishing our roles, the team's adventure is only one third of the way through, so although we will not be physically present, we will be closely watching the reports and most importantly, our hearts will definitely stay on the journey ...

Thank you so very much to Nella and her husband Chris (not pictured), from Central Caravan Park for providing some of our team with accommodation for the four nights we will spend in Perth. We were very happy to meet them and they were eager to hear all about the run. When we popped in to get some change for the washing machine, they were looking at our website on the computer!
Now we have reached Perth and many of our team are about to disperse to different corners of the globe, time to reflect on the amazing journey since Adelaide ...
A poem by Harita ...

Nullarbor Musings
A lone figure runs
Across a landscape
Dusted by silence.
Only the rhythm of
Feet hitting the
Stretched out surface
And the steady flow of
Breathing can be heard.
An emptiness overflowing with fulness,
Where all worlds move and are still.
Humanity's aspiration-cry
Strikes the earth.
Heaven's Blessing-Light enters,
Fills the mortal human sheath,
And is released -
An invisible offering
To be shared with all,
Perfectly absorbed by
The resounding stillness.
It seems no time exists in this world.
A great quietude engulfs the one,
As if having been placed
In a self-addressed envelope
By God Himself.