We met these enthusiastic students from England, Winsconsin, Kansas and Canada who were really surprised and happy to see us and hold the torch for peace.

Team B – for the first time in nearly a week, we are not starting in the dark! The girls’ team is holding up well, despite a night of strong gusty winds buffeting the tent. A couple of times one side of the tent almost flattened! In between the gusts was an intense still heat until the rain came, which left behind a pleasant coolness.

Today our team ran a shorter distance of 30 km along the curves and crests of the road through the Flinders Ranges.

It was an exciting change to be running up a hill to the peak and have a vista of deep reddy brown, dark green and purple mountains revealed, receding into the distance.

The café offered quandong pies - the local native peach. They also sold roadkill kangaroo pies….yer…..didn’t try those…..!

This lady stopped to take photos of Stacey while she was running into Blinman. She is the local postie and just loved what we were doing. She then waited for us in Blinman to take more photos and talk with us.

This lady was one of the many locals who came and talked with us when we arrived at Blinman. It was a hive of chatter with all of us speaking with different people.

As I spend more time with my sisters I am realising how I form an idea of who they are, partly suited to my needs ...

... I feel I am learning to accept the girls more as they are, rather than as I would like and want them to be ...

... In some ways it is challenging to let go of my expectations but the over riding feeling is of relief. The false image fades away and a solid feeling of acceptance, clarity and truthfulness replaces it.

... and lots of Emu. In the morning light their feathery fleeces look golden. Often they have an entourage of young, who I read the father looks after.

In the wild emus are so elegant and regal, running fast with strength and grace. They are so different from their scraggly cousins I have seen in captivity. I guess they need to be free and run – like many of us!

Today is the day that the flat, the straight, the hot, the desiccated is replaced by the undulating, the curved, the cool, the (relatively) lush.

It seems that every slope reveals a group of kangaroos who pause and stare curiously at the runner before bounding away in their strange and endearing manner. Emus stalk through the long grass before a background of high rugged hills. Large trees and rocky gorges have replaced the dusty lowlands.

Our team's was a small contribution to the overall distance covered perhaps, but a satisfying contribution nonetheless.

At Wilpena Pound, birds – the raucous and the colourful – greet us as we pitch our tents in the shade of the trees.

We chatted for quite a while over lunch with this pilot who flies scenic flights over Wilpena Pound.

Darren and his son Mason were very happy to see us here in Wilpena Pound. They are travelling all around Australia and are going to be on the road for two years. They had seen us yesterday running into Parachilna and came over to us today at the camp to ask us what we are doing. Mason is being home schooled on the back of their bus as they travel around.