Our girls team took the final 18 km into Jindabyne. We were due at our first school at 9.15 am so we were on the road by at about 7.30 am.

Lake Jindabyne provided a stunning backdrop to our meeting with Snowy Mountains Grammar School students.

This is our first school in NSW, arranged through the Primary School director Scott Frize. Here we were greeted by Darcy and Cameron, who led us into their classroom.

Atul, our Indian representative, talked with them about Peace and different meanings for the word Peace.

The students also exhibited their artistic and poetic side, offering us some very moving poems and artwork on Peace.

One of the students had seen me run in to town this morning and was going to ask his parents if he could run with us after school.

A teacher remembered when we had come through in 2008 and all the schools had meet at the park to welcome us all. After everyone had held the torch we all ran around the oval a few times ...

After bunching for a group photo, the students gave the Peace Run team a rousing "Three Cheers" for all our efforts. This was the first time I have had this on the Peace Run this year it was great!

One of our boys team then started running to Berridale, while the rest of us made a short run of less than 1 km into town, to the Jindabyne Visitors Centre.

Here we were greeted by Kerry Coomber, Manager of the Visitors Centre, and Anthony Evans, Area Manager (Alpine) from the NSW Parks and Wildlife Service.

Anthony welcomed us and said how fitting that we were meeting here to be welcomed by the community, as right beside us is where the plaque is located for the Sri Chinmoy Peace Park ...

A number of staff also enthusiastically greeted the team and offered their support by holding the Peace Torch. Many of them know our organisation through the Sri Chinmoy Multi-Sport Classic which we stage in and around Lake Jindabyne and the Koscsiuzko National Park each March.

Kerry then invited us into the Visitor’s Centre to have some lovely refreshments she had made, and what perfect food for runners, some fresh fruit and juice. Yum! Kerry had also kindly wrapped a gift for each of the Peace Runners.

While we were enjoying our refreshments in Jindabyne, our other team was keeping us on schedule, running out over the Jindabyne Dam wall ...

The rest of our team rejoined just as Kaspars was running in to Berridale Public School. We all gathered to cheer him on his last few steps ...

After our brief program, everyone had a chance to hold the torch before playing the Passport Game, where each student is given a passport and they have to ‘run around the world’ and get it stamped by each of the runners.

As the students in Berridale were getting their passports stamped, it was time for our girls team to hit the road again.

We had another 17 km to do before going to our last school for the day, St Patrick’s Parish School in Cooma.

We have arrived in Cooma at St Patrick’s Parish School in time to gather before running into one of the classrooms to meet two of the senior classes. Here the Captains and Vice Captains of the school showed us in.

Our team now had just one more appointment left down at the avenue of flags where we were to meet with the Mayor of Cooma. Before this however two of the newspapers came down to interview both Amalendu and Grahak about the Peace Run, we even got them both to hold the torch together, along with several passing locals.

The Mayor welcomed us to the Cooma Monaro Shire, and told us the significance of the Avenue of the Flags.

Back in the 1940’s after the War, some 100,000 workers came to this area to work on the Snowy Mountains Scheme.

Kaspars was surprised to see his flag there! And we had a chance to have a look at the other flags as well. A truly multi cultural area!

Our girls team arrived at our accommodation at Alkira Motel to be greeted by Mona who kindly supplied the girls team with free accommodation tonight. Mary came down to hold the torch on behalf of her mother.

Two of the boys team stayed with Sharon and Kevin at the Sovereign Inn Motel, who were delighted to pose for a photo. Thank you Sharon and Kevin.

Long time Peace Run supporters, Chandra and Saras Singh, kindly accommodated the remaining 8 members of the boys team at their beautiful establishment, Marlborough Motor Inn Cooma. Chandra remembered hosting the Peace Run back in 2010 and was again happy to assist. We thank them both for their self-giving.