ফেব্রু. 13, 2025 Live from the road


Reported by Harashita Sunaoshi

Today we fly to Pokhara. On the way, we are blessed with the magnificent view of the Himalayas.

In the evening, we are very fortunate to have the kind presence of Hon. Mayor of Pokhara, Dhana Raj Acharya. Peace Run Founder Sri Chinmoy's painting entitled 'Happiness' is presented as our gift of gratitude.

Hon. Mayor enthusiastically welcomes the international team of the Peace Run. He shares his commitment to serve Pokhara as the tourism capital of Nepal.

We are extremely grateful for the mayor's warm support.

Group photo with the Mayor, Tej Sir, and other distinguished members of Ex-Sportsman Forum Pokhara.

Delicious Nepali dinner with our distinguished guests. Thank you so much for making our first day in Pokhara auspicious by your kindest presence.

Our dear Brother-Friend Tej Sir. and his wife Beni Mme. join the welcome dinner as well. Tej Bahadur Gurung Sir is Vice President of Nepal Olympic Committee, and one of the main organizers of Pokhara Marathon.

Torch carried by
Devesh Ghimire (Nepal), Emanuels Putans (Latvia), Harashita Sunaoshi (Japan), Homagni Baptista (Australia), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Odgiiv Jadambaa (Mongolia), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sanaz Datubar (Iran), Sharbori Horvadt (Hungary), Sweta Pradhan (Nepal), Ulugbek Berdimurotov (Uzbekistan), Urdhacheta Yap (Singapore), Vananvat Ishkhand (Mongolia).  
Accompanied by  
Gloria Maribel Gonzales (Guatemala), Vivian Calderón (Guatemala)
Emanuels Putans, Homagni Baptista, Urdhacheta Yap

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