Passing the Peace Torch from New Zealand coordinator Niryana to Australian representative Hridayinee as a symbol of the continuation of the Peace Run in Australia next week.

The art work collected on our journey throughout New Zealand was in an art display in Civic Square, Wellington.

Councillor Andy Foster welcoming the Peace Run Team to Zealandia Eco Sanctuary after their 4 km run from Civic Square.

The native takahe is a large flightless bird. Once thought to have become extinct, there are now about 200 individuals.

Senior pupils at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna sing a beautiful waiata for the Peace Run Team.

Soraya and Sanjay Sewambar cooked a most delicious meal for the Peace Run Team on last night of the peace run.

Ana Tapiata (at the far end of the table) had most kindly arranged for the peace runners to meet the senior pupils of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna and to share dinner together. Ana also arranged for 7 of the peace run team to stay at the school on Friday night. The Peace Run Team are most grateful to the school, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna for their welcome, shared meal and overnight stay.