Юли 24, 2017 Live from the road

Muromtsevo - Danilovo lake

Reported by Utkranta Arnst 47.0 km

Misha was awaiting this moment

Миша ждал этого момента

Chingiz, wash your feet first

Чингиз, помой ноги

Kurganka village

д. Курганка

by the Danilovo lake

На озере Данилово

Torch carried by
Chingiz Iskakov (Kazakhstan), Daulet Kenzhebayev (Kazakhstan), Dauren Ospanov (Kazakhstan), Konstantin Rybin (Russia), Lyubov Chernysheva (Russia), Svetana Kupfer (Russia), Tatyana Grishina (Russia), Utkranta Arnst (Russia), Victor Lents (Russia), Yuriy Taranik (Russia).  
Yuriy Taranik
The torch has travelled 47.0 km from Muromtsevo to Danilovo lake.

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