Today is Belarus Independence Day and celebrations are taking place all over the country. We were lucky enough to be involved in three!
Сегодня празнования дня независимости Белоруси по всей стране и нам повезло принять участие в трех городах.

The 1st ceremony we attended was in Brest at their memorial in Freedom Square.
Первая церемония в которой мы принимали участие было в Бресте на мемориале на площади свободы.

It was a very heartfelt ceremony with the band playing music while bouquets were placed by procession. Everyone knows the significance of today and this allowed each to offer their thoughts and prayers of remembrance and gratitude.

We are thankful to the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church for blessing our torch with his peaceful wishes.

We don't know how old this man was, but he looks like he has lived a long life of service and we enjoyed his smiles.

The mayor of Zhabrinka enthusiastically receives the Peace Torch.
Мер Жабинки с энтузиазмом принял Факел Мира.

A happy group photo to say farewell. Our Belarus flag seems unusually large from the size we usually run with, but given it's Independence day it seems fitting there was a decent wind to fly it strong and proud!
Груповая фотография на прощания. Наш Беларусский флаг кажется необычно большим, чем обычно, но в день независимости он кажется как раз и развевается очень сильно и гордо.

Arriving to our final ceremony of the day in Kobryn Park where a concert was being held.
Прибытие к нашей финальной церемонии в Кобрине в парке где было большое празнование.

Anastasia, Darya and Alexandre were particulalry taken by our torch and came back more than once to hold it!

The fountain beside was a fascination for all the small children, but this wee one nearly succeded in taking a swin!

They were a very enthusiastic audience and you know you are in a town of Good People when they all stand as one for a Moment of Silence :)
Soon it was time for a break in the music and for us to present the Peace Run to the audience.