Thank you Devavira, Shivaram and all the staff for so kindly feeding us over the last couple of days.

Next we headed over to the University of Toronto's Multi-Faith Centre for an Inter-Faith Peace Walk.

Father Terry has been a good friend and supporter of the Peace Run participating and working with Shivaram organizing events for the Peace Run over many years.

After the walk we went into the Multi-Faith Centre to share our concerns, hopes and prayers for the world situation.

Richard Chambers Director of the head of the Multi-Faith Centre offered his sincere admiration and encouragement for the Peace Run.

We each offered a glass pebble to symbolize our concerns for the world and lit a candle for our prayers.

We arrived at the Northumberland YMCA Day Camp in Cobourg and the storm totally missed everyone but our team.

Certificates of Appreciation for all. Northumberland YMCA CEO Eunice Kirkpatrick holds the Peace Torch.