Good morning Wattwil: we started our day after a good nights rest in the local monastery.
A surprise meeting in the primary school and the kindergarden St. Gallenkappel.
...a run once around the school turned almost into a mountain tour...
Thank you for the spontaneous meeting!
We reached Eschenbach and the mayor received us in the city hall.
Thank you for the nice gifts!
In Rapperswil we had a radio interview by Radio Zürisee...
...and we reached Einsiedeln, a truly historic place in Switzerland.
Pater Lorenz welcomed our team...
...a really big church! Thank you for the meeting!
..a quick lunch on the parking lot...
...and we went on to day-care place for kids.
...a small presentation...
Thank you for the fun!
...the kids lit candles on our peace torch...
...a mystic run through the rain...
Rothenthurm was next...
The city hall secretary and a city council member gave us a warm welcome...
...sometimes life on the Peace Run is getting more simple, sometimes it doesn't...
Triathlon Olympic Champion Brigitte McMahon joined our Run.
She met us at the historic battle ground in Morgarten...
...we enjoyed a good pace...
We reached Zug and practically ran into the mayor. Thank you for the spontaneous meeting!
A busy day came to an end...