Preparing for the day over breakfast at the YMCA in Nairobi, our base for this section of the Southern Hemisphere Peace Run.

A brief stop to buy bananas and watermelon to share with the runners we were going to meet at the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation.

Daniel Kiptugen greeted us and told us all about the successes of the Refugee Runners, some of whom have been to Olympic and World Championship competitions and had great results.

It was a great honour for us to have Tegla herself join us for a Peace Run down to the Training Field, together with the Refugee Team.

The athletes have access to a higher quality running circuit but this field is where they do a lot of their speedwork - some are training three times a day as well as studying in the Peace Foundation's school at the camp.

...And we sang and acted out the Peace Run and World Harmony Run songs, which they learned in no time!

Tegla spoke about the work her foundation is doing both here and at her Peace Academy in northern Kenya.

As a token of our gratitude for being invited to the camp we offered some educational materials for the school.

The Peace Run team were invited to sign the visitor's book - we added some words of encouragement for the athletes, many of whom hope to qualify for the Olympics in 2020 and form part of a Refugee Team to compete alongside the national teams at the invitation of the IOC.

We also gave the camp some children's artwork on the theme of peace from our Colours of Peace event in Rome. We hope many of the schools and organisations we visit during this Peace Run will send their own art to Colours of Peace in time for the 2020 event.