We began today's run at the Arusha Declaration Monument. The Monument was built in 1977 to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Arusha Declaration on equality, freedom and human rights. The declaration concludes with the words "To see that the Government works tirelessly towards world peace and security through the United Nations Organization"

Martina thought the Peace Run should include a bit of tree climbing while we waited for the ceremony to begin!

Reception with the District Commissioner - as well as holding the Peace Torch with us and hearing about the Peace Run he had some positive suggestions for how we can grow our event - possibly with an Arusha Peace Marathon!

We went on to the office responsible for schools and met with Omary Kwesiga, the City Education Officer. School visits are a key part of the Peace Run and we plan to visit at least ten during our time in Arusha.

After our morning ceremonies we headed out of town to the Reheboth Victory Church where Bishop Nassan Ngoy Ngoy showed us around his church and told us about his organisation PSEDO - Peace Strengthening and Economic Derivative Organisation.

Arusha lies in the shadow of the impressive Mount Meru. Although not as high as Kilimanjaro this beautiful mountain is said to be a more difficult climb than its more famous neighbour and many trekkers take on the challenge of summiting this peak as a warm up.

We were welcomed by the children and teachers who sang us a the Tanzania song - they sang beautifully and powerfully with some lively drumming to accompany the song!

The country guessing game was fun and brought home to the children how international our team is....

It took us quite a while on some very bumpy roads to find our next port of call....there were a couple of wrong turns but we got there in the end!