Kvě. 27, 2019 Live from the road

Buenos Aires - Montevideo

Reported by Vaibhava Kuschnow 280.0 km

Esta mañana nos levantamos temprano mañana para irnos en el ferri hacia Uruguay.

We got up early this morning to be on time to catch our ferry to Uruguay.

No encontramos mucho trafico mientras manejabamos a través del gran Buenos Aires.

We did not encounter to much traffic driving through the suburbs of Buenos Aires.

A pesar de que la gente no tenga el dinero para comprar cosas lujosas...

Even though people here may not have the money to buy the latest shiny things...

...nunca pierden su sentido del humor (y sus hermosas sonrisas).

...they never loose their humor (and their wonderful smiles)

Listos para abordar el ferri.

We are ready for the ferry

Our car is the second in line and we have two hours - what could possibly go wrong?

Nuestrp carro es el segundo en la linea y tenemos dos horas antes de partir. Qué malo podria pasar?

On the way to the "check in plaza" (they really call it so)

Camino a la plaza central de departo.

Beautiful... ...but....


As it turns out we cannot leave Argentina WITH our vans due to some missing papers. Like for real. If you watched ¨Kung-Fu Panda¨ carefully, then you know that there is no such thing as bad news (or good news for the matter). It´s just news...

...resulto que no podiamos salir del pais con nuestros vehiculos, debido que nos faltaban ciertos documentos que habilitaran el tramite.

...however it is not always easy to see things from this elevated, detached perspective, especially not when it is a matter of stopping our Peacerun. What to do??

Por ende, llegó la hora de aplicar lo que predicamos en nuestra Carrera por la Paz:

In this case the solution was to leave our fearless captain and our dear Istidad in Buenos Aires to deal with the necessary paperwork while we board the boat and sail across the sea to Uruguay.

En este caso decidimos abordar el ferri, mientras nuestro capitan Banshidhar, y querido compañero Istidad, se quedaban en Buenos Aires para asi hacer las diligencias necesarias para el futuro paso de los vehiculos a Uruguay.

Girls are very happy to finally be on the ferry.

La chicas estan felices de estar en el ferri.

So far so good, we arrive in Colonia and need to get to Montevideo which is about 180km away without the vans.

Una vez en Colonia, tenemos 180km de recorrido rumbo a Montevideo.

Vaibhava is ready for all adventures fearlessly sipping his Mate:)

Vaibhava z su mate estan preparados para todo tipo de aventura.

Chintamani tries to blend into the local crowd.

Chintamani trata de mezclarse entre los locales con su atuendo colonial.

Anita always in perfect balance, happy and with a smile.

Anita simpre esta perfectamente balanceada, feliz y sonriente.

After checking all available options including Uber, Taxi, rental car and bus we decide to take a bus. The bus is leaving 2h from now so we go on a pilgrimage through Colonia to find some food.

Despues de sopesar todas las opciones disponibles, incluyendo Uber, taxi y carro rentado, decidimos tomar un bus, el cual nos dio dos horas para explorar la ciudad y comer antes de partir.



2,5 hours later we are ready for...

Dos horas y media despues...

Mas emociones!


Home sweet home!

Hogar dulce hogar

Our first full day in Montevideo is used to set up the phones, confirm the meeting for the next day and enjoy this beautiful coastal city.

En nuestro primer dia en Montevideo, nos la pasamos haciendo todas las pertinentes diligencias para poder disfrutar este hermoso pais sin ningun problema.

The girls went on some serious sightseeing tour to learn all they possibly could about Montevideo and Uruguay.

La chicas aprovecharon el dia para explorar la ciudad y aprender todo lo que mas pudieran sobre Montevideo y Uruguay.

Did you know that the first ever Soccer World Cup took place in Montevideo? Now you know. And it was in 1930.

Sabían ustedes que el primer campeonato mundial de futbol fue en Uruguay en el año 1930? Bueno, ahora za lo saben.

While girls where educating themselves, the boys just could not have a day without running and went on a wonderful 12k run to the lighthouse along the sandy beaches of Montevideo.

Mientras las chicas aprendiían sobre Montevideo, los chicos decidieron correr 12k a lo largo de la costa Uruguaya hasta llegar a un bonito faro en la ciudad.

Yep, great time!

Sii!!! Qué buen rato pasamos.

Montevideo is a treasure chest of culture, architecture and long sandy beaches and a delight for any photographer. I wish we had more time here.

La ciudad de Montevideo es un tesoro cultural arquitectonico, con sus bonitos edificios, largas playas, y diversos espacios publicos, que hacen que su fachada sea un placer fotografiar.

The city is also very green with many old trees providing shade and protection.

Muchos arboles provéen protección y sombra a lo largo de las calles.

Beautiful Uruguayan sunset!!

Hermoso atardecer Uruguayo!!

Torch carried by
Anita Costa (Portugal), Atul Arora (India), Carlos Alberto Ramos De La Vega (Guatemala), Chintamani Nordmeyer (Austria), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Istidad Alvarado (Guatemala), Jorge Patino (Colombia), Nikolaus Drekonja (Austria), Palash Bosgang (United States), Shumbhani Juarez (Guatemala), Vaibhava Kuschnow (Austria), Victoria Patino (United States), Yolanda Lopez (Guatemala).  
Atul Arora, Chintamani Nordmeyer, Vaibhava Kuschnow
The torch has travelled 280.0 km from Buenos Aires to Montevideo.

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