Čec. 27, 2023 Live from the road

Kingston - Brighton

Reported by Brahmata Michael 85.0 km

We got an early start with some rainy runs along a beautiful waterfront trail beside Lake Ontario.

Our New Zealander, Harita is unphased by the spray of passing vehicles.

Bhadrika, our teammate from the Netherlands takes a moment...

... and then she's off with a cheerful stride.

Nayaja from Italy going strong!

One of the Canadian team members, Purnakama from Winnipeg puts in her miles.

Capturing the action!

When we arrived at the Napanee Boys and Girl's Club they were all smiles and they showed us some of their peace sign art!

They were very engaged and attentive listeners.

Homagni from "Down Under" gives the children clues about which country he comes from.

One of the most beautiful moments in the ceremony is when we have a short visualisation, guided by our teammate from San Diego, Devendra.

First we imagine our favourite flower inside our heart.

Then we imagine offering that flower to someone who was not nice to us.

Then we imagine offering the flower to someone who we were not nice to.

We pass around the torch to the kids.

The wonderful staff holds it as well!

Peace Run trading cards!

We showed them all the route on the side of our Peace Run RV.

You have to have the proper footwear if you join the Peace Run Team!

We stopped in Belleville for lunch and we were treated to a marvellous meal by our friends there.

Rani-Devi and Mahavirya so generously hosted us.

Kala came from Kingston to help out.

We had to dash off to our next event otherwise we would have liked to enjoy their food and company for much longer.

Next stop:  Belleville Adventure Camp

Arpan from New York showed them our route.

They were all full of energy!

Susie, the camp director is a real dynamo! It was a feat to capture a picture of her not in motion. She raced around playing "Everyone's It Tag", hung upside down on the climbing wall after self-belaying to the top and told us  about the extensive cycling that they do every day.

Feeling peace inside.

Even Bob the Log joined in for the moment of peace.


At this camp, all disputes are solved through "Rock Paper Scissors" even when two people tag each other at the same time during Everyone's It Tag!

Thank you for your energy and enthusiasm, Belleville Adventure Camp!

As a special treat, they gave our team some time on the climbing wall and gave us a few pointers on how to improve our climbing technique.

Atul, from India zoomed up the climbing wall...

... then put in his afternoon miles.

Arriving at the campsite after the running and the ceremonies, the day is far from finished.

There are tents to be set-up.

Reports to be written.

Dinner to be cooked.

S'mores to be eaten! Campfire songs to be sung.

Sunsets to be admired.

Gratitude to be felt after another full day on the Peace Run.

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Atul Arora (India), Bhadrika Beumer (Netherlands), Brahmata Michael (Canada), Devendra Cheatham (United States), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Homagni Baptista (Australia), Jamini Young (United States), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Nayaja Perugini (Italy), Purnakama Rajna (Canada), Salil Wilson (Australia), Santiva Morrison (United States), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova).  
Brahmata Michael, Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 85.0 km from Kingston to Brighton.

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