Zář. 30, 2024 Live from the road

New York

Reported by Harita Davies 1.0 mi

Brother Gregory Cellini, (more commonly known as Brother Greg), appropriately opened our Peace Run kick-off to Franciscan Month with a Peace Prayer by St. Francis:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

St. Francis College President, Tim Cecere, gave a beautiful opening speech highlighting the significance of each one of us finding peace in our own lives, along with a heart-felt welcome to the Peace Run Team.

The organizer of todays event, St Francis Professor Anita Busic, (Vyavasayaha), shared her personal story of how the message of the Peace Run first touched her during wartime in her country, Croatia.

Next on the agenda was our international local Peace Run Team.

We gave clues and had the audience guess our countries. Bashata is from...


Czech Republic and Slovakia.





Our local Peace Run Choir Director, Paree Aitkin, led an arrangement of three songs by Peace Run Founder, Sri Chinmoy on the theme of peace.

We were thrilled that some of the students enhanced our performance by joining us!

The performance was complete with choreography!

St Francis students, staff and faculty members presented their countries and said peace in their language. This staff member is representing Taiwan!










Puerto Rico!


United Kingdom!

Bosnia and Herzegovina! (and Croatia)



We were greatly honored and thrilled to present our Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award to both St. Francis College and Brother Greg.

Dr. John Edwards, Vice President of Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Education and Programs Professor of Religious Studies, kindly received the Torch-Bearer Award on behalf of St. Francis College.

A brief history taken from the College website... "In 1858, a group of Franciscan Brothers from Ireland came to Brooklyn to educate the large numbers of immigrants arriving in America, opening St. Francis Academy in 1859...

Inspired by St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, the college prepares students to serve and thrive in a global community and help shape a just society...

Today, St. Francis has more than 4,500 students and 20,000 alumni. Students represent over 70 countries and 40 plus languages...

The College’s mission of providing a first-class, attainable, high quality education to individuals of all racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds with a special focus on working class New Yorkers; firmly planted in our Franciscan values of community, collaboration, and connection continues today, just as the Franciscan Brothers envisaged more than 165 years ago."

We are extremely grateful to Brother Greg for most enthusiastically supporting and helping to organize the Peace Run event today- he truly felt like a brother to us all!

Brother Gregory Cellini, O.S.F., is a Franciscan Brother of Brooklyn whose life purpose is rooted in the Gospel and a Franciscan charism of continuous conversion, to share the good of God’s Love and inspire others to live fearlessly in this Love. His primary ministry is at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY, where he is Director of the Office of Mission, Ministry and Interfaith Dialogue, an Adjunct Professor and a member of the President’s Cabinet.

Brother Greg is the host of Thank God For Monday, a weekly radio talk show about the workplace. Before becoming a Brother, he had a 29-year career in big pharmaceuticals. 

Brother Greg is the author of Transform Yourself – Transform the World: A Franciscan View of Career.

Ranjana K. Ghose, President of the Jharna-Kala Art Foundation, made a special contribution by donating a large canvas by Peace Run Founder, Sri Chinmoy, entitled "World-Harmony" to the College, matching a smaller version of the same painting gifted to Pope Francis during the European Peace Run earlier this year. She noted that this offering symbolized a deep connection between the Peace Run and St Francis College to global harmony and peace.

An Olive Tree was dedicated as a Peace Tree by James Freeman, Professor of Religious Studies at St. Francis College, and Professor Anita Bušić (Vyavasayaha).

The plaque has a quote by Sri Chinmoy which reads;

O dreamers of peace, come.  Let us walk together.  O lovers of peace, come.  Let us run together.  O servers of peace, come.  Let us grow together.

Professor Freeman kindly purchased the olive tree on behalf of the College, and spoke of the symbolism of the growing tree to peace.

The tree is small right now, but will grow to be a large Olive Tree, holding within its leaves and branches the ancient symbolism of peace and friendship.

Ranjana Ghose offered our deepest gratitude to the College and all those who took part in today's program for inviting the Peace Run to be part of this most significant endeavor.

Last but not least, it was time for Brother Greg to lead our Peace Run Team and the students on a Peace Walk around the bustling Brooklyn city block which houses St. Francis College.

We were blessed with a beautiful day for a Peace Walk!

Passers by were delighted to take a moment to hold the torch and make a wish for peace.

The International Students all felt like part of our team!

A local reporter enthusiastically capturing the event!

One final group photo- all our gratitude to the wonderful family of Peace Lovers at St Francis College! We look forward to continuing our friendship for years to come!

Our Peace Torch will remain at the College for the duration of Franciscan Month.

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Bashata Cimesa (Serbia), Bhashwar Hart (United States), Bishwas Polissar (United States), Dhanu Alaimo (United States), Ganapati Coleman (United States), Gesiane Nascimento (Brazil), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Helena Royden (Canada), Jamini Young (United States), Lunthita Duthely (United States), Mahatapa Palit (Bangladesh), Paree Atkin (United States), Pipasa Glass (United States), Ranjana Ghose (United States), Roger Rogge (Germany), Samahita Bender (Germany), Surashri Paradis (United States), Vrishaketu Pelletier (Canada), Vyavasayaha Anita Busic (Croatia).  
Bhashwar Hart
The torch has travelled 1.0 mi in New York.

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