Hamburg has 1.8 million inhabitants. We were going to visit a few young ones.
The first school in Hamburg.
They had some beautiful songs that they sang for us.
Everybody joined in for the song and movements.
A moment's peace.
Gifts for the school.
Arrival at the second school in Hamburg with high-fives.
Purna-Samarpan took care of the presentations in Germany.
Nice artwork!
A big group, all into it.
And perhaps the best part: running!
Thanks for a great get-together!
Entering the third school of the day in Bad Bramstedt.
They made special peace-doves.
Happy teacher.
Many different nationalities.
Preetidutta from New Zealand loved the doves.
Running through nice countryside.
The last school of the day in Neumünster.
The kids were beating the drum for peace.
The teachers were into it too.
Lots of questions to the runners.
Thanks for the generous reception!
Visiting the city hall of Bordesholm.
Local press was there as well.
A few symbolic steps for peace.
Last running to Gettorf.