On Saturday morning, we had a nice breakfast at a warm Serbian place at Danube River. Last time when Peace Run visited Serbia in 2022, Danube was proclaimed as a Peace River, connecting ten countries throughout Europe.

The plaque was placed in the Park of Friendship, where we are going to plant seven trees dedicated to peace soon. It says DANUBE PEACE RIVER with a quote by Sri Chinmoy, "A moment's peace can and shall save the world."

After breakfast, we carried the peace torch to the Park of Friendship, to have a small but delightful event.

Pedja, the Peace Run coordinator for Serbia presented the international Peace Run team to the audience.

Devashishu, our coordinator for the European Peace Run, pointing at the photo on the banner, at Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Peace Run.

After listening to the Peace Run Song, the cutest choir from the Children's Cultural Centre in Belgrade performed some beautiful songs for us, celebrating the world we live in, world peace, and also love, friendship and oneness among people.

Planting the trees was a highlight of the day. All the children and their parents, together with the Peace Run team and all present took delight in planting seven trees that will symbolize our hopes and dreams for peace in the world and our beautiful world for centuries to come.

Namitabha from Nish, winner of the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race (nearly 5000k) in 2003, planting a peace tree in the Park of Friendship.

We walked prayerfully around the park, observing many, many trees dedicated to peace, which have each their own plaques. Trees were planted by world leaders from all over the world. It's a tradition here, started in Yugoslavia by Tito in 1960-s. One of the plaques, showing the name of Sri Chinmoy's dear friend, President Gorbachev. It says 1988.