There is still time before Novi Sad City Marathon starts, and today our Peace Run team is getting ready to participate in two races, the marathon and the 5k race.

Novi Sad City Marathon hosted 1400 runners from 21 countries. Besides the 42k and a 25k race, it also included a few children races in different age categories, as well as the 10k and 5k race. All the runners and helpers were present at the main square, where the races started.

Before the start of Novi Sad City Marathon, Peace Run team had the opportunity to present our manifestation before the runners and audience.
Many wanted to make a photo with the torch.
Peace Run team members participated in 5k and marathon 42k race running with the torch.
Pre starta Novosadskog maratona, ekipa Trke Mira je imala privilegiju da može da predstavi našu manifestaciju trkačima i posmatračima.
Mnogi su želeli da se slikaju sa bakljom...
Mnogi članovi tima su učestvovali u trci na 5km i maratonu trčeći sa bakljom

As we are standing at the main stage of the City Marathon, Peđa, our Peace Run coordinator for Serbia is introducing Peace Run and the countries of our team members.

Some of us participated in the run, while others were present to support the ideals of peace and harmony and to share their dreams with children and the audience.

Here comes our team of runners, carrying the peace torch at the start of the Novi Sad City Marathon. And off we go.

And this is our 5k team for today. We run as a team, carrying the peace torch in the spirit of oneness and harmony.

No matter where we go in the world, our dream is always the same, and people we meet cherish the same hopes for peace, love and happiness.
Thank you Novi Sad for giving us this unique opportunity to share our dream of creating a better world with you.