We started off with the Sport Club GP Zeloforamagno.
The local sports councillor greets the Peace Run team and the assembled runners
We made our way towards Soncino...
...where we met the Sport Club Avis Aido Soncino.
We then passed on the torch to the Sport Club Croce Verde Orzinuovi, which run with us all the way to Orzinuovi.
Passing the torch around...
...and on our way towards Orzinuovi.
Soncino Castle
We met in Orzinuovi with a representative of the municipality.
...and our runner friends showed us around in the town.
We bid goodbye...
and we were on our way towards Castiglione delle Stiviere.
In Castiglione we were welcomed by the runners from the Podisti Castiglionesi.
Podisti Castiglionesi ran with us throughout the whole city.
Run is fun!
We then headed towards Vicenza, for our next stop: the Prabhupada Desh Temple.
The atmosphere was very serene...
...and we were treated to a small refreshment.
We were then treated to a bhajan session
Thank you for the welcome!