Feb. 19, 2025 Live from the road

Whakatane - Ohope Beach

Reported by Harita Davies 40.0 km

Today we ran through all kinds of terrain to reach Nukuhou North School!

Tall grass!

We arrived to Nukuhou North School and were greeted by an enthusiastic group of peace lovers ready to help run the torch to our meeting point. The boy holding the torch, Chase, led us on our run around the school.

Cool kids!

The school presented us with this beautiful collage of their artwork- can you see what word is inside?

Metaha led the rest of the students in a rousing Haka to start our presentation.

Our international team introducing their countries, led by Hridayinee from Australia.

Kids doing actions to the World Harmony Run song- its always fun!

Sweet peace.

Time to honor the teachers for the most significant role they play in building a more peaceful world!

All the teachers hold the torch together- what a sweet family feeling! A special thank you to School Principal, Emma Bell, pictured on the left holding our Certificate of Appreciation, for so enthusiastically organising our visit!

Time to hold the torch...

We all loved getting to know these sweet kids!

Thank you Nukohou North School! We really loved spending time with you all!

Moko the dolphin has a statue in his honor after he won the hearts of many along this East Coast stretch with his friendly and playful antics over several years.

Kiwi Boy ;)

A vastness-sky and a vastness-ocean my mind is.  Therefore, my heart is all peace and all bliss.

-Sri Chinmoy

We finished our run along the the iconic and spectacular Ohope Beach! A perfect end to running in this beautiful area!

Torch carried by
Benjamin Louche (France), Bhadrika Beumer (Netherlands), Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo (Puerto Rico), Daniel Ruben (New Zealand), Don Kerr (New Zealand), Grahak Cunningham (Australia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Hridayinee Williams (Australia), Mark Harvey (New Zealand), Nirakara Lincoln (New Zealand), Pransukh Marks (United States), Preetidutta Thorpe (New Zealand), Vera Sevastiyanova (New Zealand).  
Daniel Rubin
The torch has travelled 40.0 km from Whakatane to Ohope Beach.

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