touko 26, 2019 Live from the road

Bruck an der Großglocknerstraße - Edelweißhöhe auf der Großglocknerstraße

Reported by Max Zandl 30.0 km

We thank the youthhostel Club Kitzsteinhorn for their support

Before the start of our final run we met some Peace hikers :)

The start - At the foot of the mountain 14 Degree Celsius

On the top - 3 Degree Celsius

The End :)

Then we had to run back to our cars :)

We met a lot of brave cycists, hikers and tourists, who were very happy to hold the Peace Torch

A beautiful waterfall

The final picture of our Austrian Peace Run 2019. It was an amazing week. We had such a great time. We thank everyone, who made this Peace Run possible :)

Afterwards we made a stop in Zell am See and had our well deserved meal at the Villa Crazy Daisy. Thank you for your support

Torch carried by
Devarupi Buczkowska (Poland), Deveshu Zuderell (Austria), Dmitriy Gameza (Russia), Horst Sykora (Austria), Katharina Brötzner (Austria), Max Zandl (Austria), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Sarvesa Alic (Austria), Silvya Weihs (Austria), Sukhada Korshunova (Russia), Usika Muckenhumer (Austria).  
Dmitriy Gameza, Katharina Brötzner, Usika Muckenhumer
The torch has travelled 30.0 km from Bruck an der Großglocknerstraße to Edelweißhöhe auf der Großglocknerstraße.

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