touko 31, 2019 Live from the road

Jose Ignacio - La Paloma

Reported by Anita Ramljak 87.0 km

we start our running day early in the morning with the beautiful and inspiring sun rise...

and our dear Shumbhani starts to run first!

while we running we cross the most beautiful round bridge and enjoy it!

its time for Mariana to start running!

and we were happy to see her coming after her 5 k run...

a break for snacks :-)...

and then more running...

we finish our run for today and visit our first school, No. 52, where we received a warm welcome...

some of the kids where very interested in our Peace run...

while we were doing the ceremony we received lovely gifts from this lovely boy...

Together we share a moment of peace in our heart...

where there is peace, there is joy!

and also we shared the Peace torch with each other...

lets hold the Torch for peace!

who can climb the wall?

and its time to say goodby to our dear new friends, we will carry you in our hearts forever...

cute cat!

before we go to another meeting we spend some time at the beach

having lots of fun and joy...

Victoria found an interesting heart near the see...

Jorge decided to run near the beach...

While posing for a picture he dropped his mobile phone into the see...but luckily his mobile was waterproof...

it was time to go on, and time to leave this beautiful beach...

and this beautiful bird above...

we arrive at our second school, Escuela Viva del Bosque...

and while we were preparing ourselves for that meeting...

kids came to us to hold the Torch and to take us to their school...

all together now, we ran to the school...

and here we are...

Our dear captain Banshidhar from Hawaii taught us how to dance the traditional hula dance!

it was a very new experience...

and we enjoyed it...

also we took some time to be quiet so we could feel our peace in our heart...

with their hearts full of peace and joy, kids plant the Peace tree in front of the school...

after our ceremony we enjoyed listening to a song and some interesting instruments of this lovely group...

Thank you!

kids were so adorable and sweet that after our ceremony we spend some more time playing with them because we all felt innocent happiness and joy when we were there and we loved it...

Atul found his own toy...

Mariana too...

who is stronger, Atul or the kids...

it looks like Atul is stronger...

but then this kid showed him who was the winner....

we came home late and had a nice dinner together...

after dinner our photographer took some amazing pictures of the sun set...

and a peaceful flight during the sun set...

Torch carried by
Anita Ramljak (Croatia), Atul Arora (India), Banshidhar Medeiros (United States), Carlos Alberto Ramos De La Vega (Guatemala), Chintamani Nordmeyer (Austria), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Istidad Alvarado (Guatemala), Jorge Patino (Colombia), Mariana Mosquera (Argentina), Nikolaus Drekonja (Austria), Palash Bosgang (United States), Santiva Morrison (United States), Shumbhani Juarez (Guatemala), Vaibhava Kuschnow (Austria), Victoria Patino (United States), Yolanda Lopez (Guatemala).  
Vaibhava Kuschnow
The torch has travelled 87.0 km from Jose Ignacio to La Paloma.

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