touko 3, 2023 Live from the road

Pye Corner - Newport

Reported by Devashishu Torpy 6.0 km

Today we are running through the city of Newport in Wales.

St Woolos Primary School.

Kingsley Hutchinson gives some clues as to where he is from. Grenada in the Caribbean.

Thank you St Woolos for an overwhelming reception.

The Welsh Peace Run coordinators treat us to a delicious lunch at the Belle Vue Tea Rooms.

Torch carried by
Balavan Thomas (Great Britain), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Erdenetsetseg Gankhuu (Mongolia), Jana Duskova (Czech Republic), Manatita Hutchison (Great Britain), Petra Kasperová (Czech Republic), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Uugantsetseg Otgonbayar (Mongolia).  
Erdenetsetseg Gankhuu, Jana Duskova
The torch has travelled 6.0 km from Pye Corner to Newport.

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