touko 18, 2023 Live from the road


Reported by Devashishu Torpy 4.0 mi

Arriving at St David's School in Edinburgh.

Petra leads the children in an exercise where they feel peace in their heart.

Lunch on Arthur's Seat.

Running to the Scottish Parliament building.

Tarit Stott (left) explains this year's route through Scotland to Alison Johnstone, the Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, and Brian Whittle who is an MSP for South Scotland. Both Alison and Brian are former runners. Alison carried the torch up Arthur's Seat on a previous visit of the Peace Run to Parliament. Brian won a Gold Medal at the European Championships in 1986 in Stuttgart in the 4 x 400m relay.

Willie Rennie (left) is also an MSP and an avid runner.

Christine Graham MSP supports the message of Peace. Christine is a dedicated pacifist and knows that the road to Peace can be very challenging.

Torch carried by
Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Erdenetsetseg Gankhuu (Mongolia), Kristin Aurenhammer (Austria), Michael Aurenhammer (Austria), Petra Kasperová (Czech Republic), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Sandra Aurenhammer (Austria), Tarit Stott (Great Britain), Uugantsetseg Otgonbayar (Mongolia).  
Devashishu Torpy, Erdenetsetseg Gankhuu
The torch has travelled 4.0 mi in Edinburgh.

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