maj 23, 2023 Live from the road

Deboche - Dingboche

Reported by Ankurika Hammerl 10.0 km

Thank you to the wonderful Rivendell Lodge in Debuche for hosting us.

Group selfie taken by our amazing Mira Rai.

Rivendell staff members holding the peace torch and making a wish for peace.

Dhavala putting our Peace Run sticker at the Rivendell Lodge kitchen.

Our next stop was a small school on top of a mountain in Pangboche.

Where we met absolutely wonderful and lovely kids and teachers.

After we had sung the Peace Run song they sang their national anthem for us.

Mira and Laxmi were so nicely taking part in our presentation.

The kids knew right away what peaceful behavior looked like.

Then they had a little meditation.

Making a very intense and heartfelt wish for peace.

We then went outside for a little fun with the peace torch.

They also each got a card from different countries presented by our team.

And then got to hold and run with the torch.

This little one immediately made friends with everyone.

Sweta learning and remembering all their names.

Thank you to the Pangboche school for having us.

We then set off towards Dingboche.

Coming across beautiful monuments.

Getting french fries for lunch was a very exciting moment.

We met some very nice people along the way who were happy to make a wish for peace.

It was quite a long, but incredibly beautiful walk towards Dingboche, going above the tree line and thus seeing the terrain change accordingly.

These porters are simply amazing!

Our pioneering women runners, Roshni and Mira Rai, along with Sweta, presenting the Everest Marathon banner. where they're both featured as goodwill ambassadors.

Kuleshvari always keeping our flags safe.

We meet so many wonderful people who are delighted by the torch and the message it carries.

All in all it was a wonderful day hiking through the beautiful Himalayan mountains. Thank you to all the people who make our journey so special.

Torch carried by
Abhejali Bernardová (Czech Republic), Ankurika Hammerl (Austria), Dhavala Stott (Great Britain), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Jayasalini Abramovskikh (Russia), Kuleshvari Sulic (Serbia), Magdalena Lewosinska (Poland), Preetidutta Thorpe (New Zealand), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Sweta Pradhan (Nepal).  
Accompanied by  
Mira Rai (NP), Laxmi Magar (NP), Sonam Sherpa (NP), Karma Sherpa (NP), Kami Sherpa (NP), Roshni Rai
Ankurika Hammerl, Harita Davies, Kuleshvari Sulic, Preetidutta Thorpe, Shyamala Stott
The torch has travelled 10.0 km from Deboche to Dingboche.

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