juil. 21, 2014 Live from the road

Kristiinankaupunki - Sastamala

Reported by Jan Klaile 135.0 km

The start of another wonderful day takes us to Isojoki...

The morning sun gleams off the face of the local church...

And off the faces of the runners...

And in the hearts of the greeting committee gathered outside the townhall...

Mayor Ulla Norrbo holds the torch aloft...

With Ulla is this athletic local runner, who will accompany us 6 km to the next destination...

On your marks...get set...GO!

At Lauhansarvi the local folk music camp awaits us...

They are good at guessing the countries...

Ilya's singing of 'Kalinka' produces smiles all around. And soon after the country is guessed correctly...

Local coordinator Iiris hands over the torch to leader Tuuli Talvitie

And the torch goes around...

From hand to hand...

The band gets ready to perform...So! What shall we be hearing Maestro?...

Sounds like...

Ahh! Yes, this is a classic!

The orchestral piece is followed by an energetic performance of a Finnish folk song...

Bravissimo!!! Encore!!!...

Iiris hands over a picture of a polar bear in a snowstorm... (Hang on a second...Oh, sorry... I have just been informed that it is actually the painting 'Dream' from the 'Paintings for World Harmony' collection. To get a proper look at it, keep on reading! Cheers!)

An enthusiastic lap for World-Harmony...

Our next destination takes us to Pesämäki Karting! Our amicable welcoming-committee...

This is Hannu Uusihonko, Vice-president of Satakunnan Yrittäjät, who magnanimously invited us for the karting

Runners prepped, they enter their vehicles, possessing 23 horsepowers, running at a maximum speed at 110 km/h.

Getting ready for Take-Off...

And there they go! Number 10 going for pole position...

Oh dear...

One happy crew literally radiating!...

The lap-record for this track of 1.7 km is 53 seconds by Formula 1 legend Kimi Räikkonen. Our team-captain did it in 1 min 3 s. (He says he could have done it faster if it hadn't been for all the traffic...) Honourable mentions also go to Lucas (1 min 6 s) and Andreas (1 min 9 s)

Hannu commented after our 'Thank You' song, that: "You are better singers than drivers!"...

"Iiris, what are you picking?"

Ah! There are still some blueberries in the forest! The local superfood full of vitamin A, C and several antioxidants, very good for the eyes!...

The tree you see here is special...

It is the oldest pine tree in the region...

We are invited for a hug...

At over 300 years old it has seen a lot...Among other things several forest fires that it has survived!...

At Honkajoki our next reception awaits...

Tuomo Tenhunen is there, Head of Local Education and Culture...

Arimo, Henri and Heikki from Honkajoen Seudun Urheilijat run with us towards the next destination...

At Kankaanpää Olli and Jouko from Kankaanpään Kalevankiertäjät-Urheiluseura, and Terhi and Hanna run with us 10 km...

A friendly welcome in Lavia...

Veikko Palosaari, representative of the community, carries the torch...

15 year old orienteerer Susanna Aho challenged our fast runners...

"And that's it for today folks!"

Torch carried by
Adam Studenik (Slovakia), Aleksandra Manevska (North Macedonia), Andrea Marcato (Italy), Andreas Riska (Finland), Anne L Leinonen (Finland), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Dragan Nikolic (Serbia), Ilya Evdokimov (Russia), Jan Klaile (Finland), Jorge Pina (Portugal), Lauri Tervo (Finland), Lucas Buchta (Czech Republic), Marko Mihajlov (North Macedonia), Patricia Daxner (Germany), Rachel Pina (Portugal), Yashodevi Samar (Ukraine), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary).  
Dipavajan Renner
The torch has travelled 135.0 km from Kristiinankaupunki to Sastamala.

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