sept. 12, 2014 Live from the road

Bucarest - Ruse (Bulgaria)

Reported by Dipavajan Renner 82.0 km

Our last day in Romania turned into a day for the athletes.

The Romanian Tennis Federation "Federatia Romania de Tenis" was first:

...a warm welcome...

...after a short presentation we passed the torch...

Thank you for the nice meeting!

Next was the sportclub "Clubul Olimpia Bucaresti". We met Basketball players, cyclists and many more...

...a symbolic Run...

Thank you for the friendly meeting!

..a selfie...

...and a short basketball - game ended our visit!

The "Federatia Romania de Fotbol" - the Romanian Football Federation, was next.

The President of the Federation, Mr. Burleanu, kindly received the torch. well as the employees...

We received nice gilfts from the Federation!

...a real collector's item!

A big "Thank You" for the heartfelt meeting!

The Romanian Swimming Federation "Federatia Romania de Natatie" awaited our runners: what better place to meet than near the pool!

...big smiles - the kids were still wet from their training!

Thank you for the Fun (and the short swim!)

...once around the pool!

...and the torch went into the pool....

champions of tomorrow!

...running through the city of Bucarest -

Our last meeting in Bucarest: "Clubul Sportiv Scola Nr. 6".

...many enthusiastic faces!

...good friends...

Thank you for all the smiles!

That was Bucarest: we made it!

...after a fast Run we arrived in Giurgiu. Local runners awaited us and joined us on our way to the city hall.

The mayor welcomed our team...

..kind words...

...the president of the city council received the torch as well...

Thank you Giurgiu for the friendly meeting!

..our last km's in Romania. The local athletes kept going...

...we entered the bridge which connects Romania and Bulgaria!

The Danube - a mighty river!

Welcome to Bulgaria!

...a quick border crossing...

It was time to say god bye to our Romanian team: all our gratitude for the outstanding hospitality and the great time we spent with you!

Our new Bulgarian team took the lead -

...arriving in Ruse, our todays final destination...

...a small, but heartfelt meeting at the city hall...

The city representative received the torch...

Thank you Ruse for the welcome!

Torch carried by
Bulgarian runners (Bulgaria), Deeptaksha Mihaylov (Bulgaria), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Dmitriy Gameza (Russia), Goga Petrovcic (Croatia), Libor Bednařík (Czech Republic), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Mena Seguy (France), Oliveria Lopez (France), Paramanyu Lebedev (Russia), Romanian runners (Romania), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Uhaina Maya (Mexico).  
Deeptaksha Mihaylov, Dipavajan Renner, Paramanyu Lebedev, Sumahat Strohn
The torch has travelled 82.0 km from Bucarest to Ruse (Bulgaria).

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