9. Brother Stephen Smyth

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Brother Stephen Smyth

Brother Stephen Smyth was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1950. He is a member of the Marist Brothers, an international Roman Catholic Religious Institute, and has a wide experience in secondary and adult education. Latterly, he worked mainly in ecumenical and interfaith fields: for the last seven years as General Secretary of ACTS (Action of Churches Together in Scotland). He is now retired and enjoying a sabbatical period before seeing what challenges and joys the next phase of his life will bring.

Stephen encourages people to work together for the common good with others from different traditions, faiths and cultures. He is convinced that such encounters challenge, affirm and enrich one’s own beliefs and practices and helps us all to build better societies. He says: ‘Meeting others helps me to become a better me.’

When asked to advise on the forthcoming Oneness-Dream tour in Scotland (September 2014), Stephen was more than willing to help. Not only did he use his contacts to help secure access to some of the sites but also visited many of the sites and helped work out the logistics of the tour.

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