juni 16, 2024 Live from the road

Weinheim - Heidelberg

Reported by Vasanti Niemz 20.0 km

The Peace Run in Weinheim started in the morning at Waidsee, lapping it once with the torch, together with a big group of 2-mile-race-participants.

The regional newspaper came out - they had already announced the Peace Run the day before.

At 2 pm we started the run to Heidelberg at the Memorial to the victims of violence, war and persecution in Weinheim, with a City Councillor (not in the photo) present and a message by the Lord Mayor of Weinheim.

Lord Mayor Manuel Just of Weinheim sent us a beautiful message, here an excerpt: "We must not stop calling for peace in the world - and making our own contributions time and again. Because: “Peace begins in me.” Passing the torch across borders is a good and important signal. We must not allow the fire of hope to be extinguished. Thank you for your commitment and thank you for making a stop in our city and making us part of your movement. Our memorial to the victims of violence, war and persecution in the city of Weinheim is a symbolic place, the right place. I wish you and all people affected by war that you will be heard and find resonance. And that you may stay fit and healthy on your long journey! Keep up the good work!"

Via the beautiful Hermanns-Garden wie ran to the Weinheim Castle and Castle Park.

... where we shared the Peace Torch with a number of interested people.

Leaving Weinheim and running along the Bergstraße / B3 towards Heidelberg, Cars were beeping and drivers waving - they might have read about it in the newspaper.

Two more mayors along the Bergstraße sent encouraging messages: "“Peace is every step”, once said the Vietnamese monk, writer and poet Thích Nhất Hạnh. All the runners taking part in the “Sri Chinmoy Oneness Home Peace Run” take countless of these steps full of peace. Steps that are all the more important in the current times with countless war and crisis situations in the world... All the more valuable is your commitment, your run and the associated message “Peace starts with me!”. You draw attention and create awareness. In times characterized by hatred, aggression and division, you unite us as humans. On behalf of all the people of Hirschberg, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let your torch be a flame of hope, for cohesion, togetherness and peace. Walk on, walk on!” - Mayor Ralf Gänshirt of Hirschberg a.d.B.

Mayor David Faulhaber of Dossenheim: "Dear Peace Runners, especially in these times, your sporting ambition with the aim of creating peace is more important than ever. With over 7 million runners, with your sporting efforts since 1987 and your worldwide solidarity, you are making a very significant contribution to a peaceful world. For this I thank you from the bottom of my heart, personally as mayor, but even more so on behalf of many young and old people from Dossenheim. Therefore, and to conclude with a well-known song by the Spencer Davis Group: Keep on running!”

Short stop in scenic Handschusheim - with new runners joining.

Deciding who will run up to Philosophenweg - and who will take the shortcut to Alte Brücke/ Old Bridge.

Stop at the Eichendorff-Memorial up on Philosophenweg (we lost a camera chip, so no photo). Heidelberg is a UNESCO City of Literature - so we wanted to honour that.

We love sharing the torch, especially with the younger generation.

We just love Heidelberg and its views from famous Philosopher's Path.

Dharmasindhu is a weathered runner - he has done the Gelita trail marathon (VERY hilly) in Heidelberg a few times and countless Heidelberg half-marathons.

Meeting again at Alte Brücke / Old Bridge to cross the Neckar and run to our Peace Tree.

Running through the old city to the Peace Tree at the Ethnological Museum.

Singing the Peace Run song to the Buddha and some Friends of the Museum.

The plaque from the inauguration in 2001 is quite weathered - and the sad thing is, the tree will be taken down, because it turned out to be female with lots of "stinky" fruits in autumn for weeks, plus it has become too big next to the Pawlownie, which also grew bigger! We are hoping for a "reincarnation" of the Peace Tree at some other place!

By a beautiful coincidence, Dr. Bitsch, who planted the Peace Tree with us in 2001 (together with the current Lord Mayer Prof. Dr. Würzner, who has supported the Peace Run many times over the years!) was present with some more members of the "Friends of the Museum". He was very touched to hold the Peace Torch again.

Of course we could not miss the castle - and could not help sharing the torch with a few visitors.

Is in inner awakening,
And this inner awakening
We must share
With the rest of the world.
- Sri Chinmoy

On Monday, we would have three nice events at schools in Heidelberg, two of them UNESCO Peace Schools - but a camera chip got lost., unfortunately.

Torch carried by
Abhejali Bernardová (Czech Republic), Ankurika Hammerl (Austria), Anupama Widmer (Switzerland), Dinesh Gmeiner (Germany), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Gudrun Freier (Germany), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Kagni Leinonen (Finland), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Mona Majkovska (North Macedonia), Prabhavi Wehg (Romania), Pramodan Gmeiner (Germany), Ronivon Oliveira (Brazil), Sanaz Datubar (Iran), Sara Schmidt (Netherlands), Shatadal Poetzsch (Germany), Sukinkar Poetzsch (Germany), Suparna Pustogowa (Germany), Tatyana Troyanovich (Ukraine), Vasanti Niemz (Germany), Zina Palic (Moldova).  
Ankurika Hammerl, Dinesh Gmeiner, Vasanti Niemz
The torch has travelled 20.0 km from Weinheim to Heidelberg.

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