Svi. 3, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Dipavajan Renner 170.0 km

Welcome to Slovenia! Once more the Peace Run reaches this small, but beautiful country in the heart of Europe! Our international team, our Slovenian and Austrian runners all met at the border for a few days of real fun!

...lovely roads...

...after a long Monday afternoon run we reached Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. time in Slovenia! We reached the Livada primary school.

...the kids gave us an enthusiastic welcome!

Peace can be felt in the heart...

...nice poems...

...a very creative music performance...

...together with the kids we planted a peace tree...

....and a run around the school grounds...

Thank you Livada for the fun!

...some kids joined us for the whole morning...

...we reached the centre of the city.... obligate group picture with one of the most famous Slovenians: Preseren, the national poet...

...arriving at the city hall...

...our good old friend of the Peace Run, Mr. Zoran Janković, mayor of Ljubljana, kindly received the Peace Torch...

Thank you for the heartfelt meeting!


...we went on....

....and arrived at the residence of the Prime Minister of Slovenia.

....a nice welcome...

...shake hands with the whole international team....

Dr. Miro Cerar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, kindly received the Peace Torch!

...we brought some gifts...

Thank you for welcoming the Peace Run!

....we visited our friends in Ljubljana...

...our final meeting of the day brought us to the parliament of Slovenia...

12:00 Teka Miru - Peace Run is scheduled for today's session!

Dr. Milan Brglez, President of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia, welcomes the international team!

...we really enjoyed the acoustics in the hall as we sang a song dedicated to the nation of Slovenia!

Thank you for the warm welcome! We relly felt that Slovenia today fully embraced the Peace Run. Thank you for the friendship and kindness!

Torch carried by
Amalendu Edelsten (Australia), Anton Untila (Moldova), Chanakhya Jakovic (Great Britain), Daniela Veizaj (Italy), Deeptaksha Mihaylov (Bulgaria), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Dmitriy Gameza (Russia), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Mahakulina Obersnel (Slovenia), Narmadyuti Ridzi (Slovenia), Paramanyu Lebedev (Russia), Purupriya Dolinar (Slovenia), Puruvaj Nikolic (Serbia), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Tomaz Pivec (Slovenia).  
Paramanyu Lebedev, Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 170.0 km in Ljubljana.

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