Svi. 12, 2019 Live from the road

Los Andes, Chile - Uspallata, Argentina

Reported by Santiva Morrison 105.0 km

Everyone enjoyed breakfast! The team ate all of the remaining fruit, honey and cheese as these things are not allowed to be brought into Argentina.

Todos disfrutan del desayuno! El equipo se comió toda la comida que tenían, pues no podían llevárselo a Argentina.

Today we said goodbye to Salil, Vettri and Nivedak who had been in four South American countries with a Peace Torch prior to coming to Chile. They made the start of this Peace Run more smooth and enjoyable. Thank you very much! Adios, amigos!

Hoy nos despedimos de Salil, Vettri y Nivedak, quienes viajaron con la antorcha a cuatro países en Sur América antes de venir a Chile. El comienzo de esta carrera fue más agradable con su presencia. Muchísimas gracias! Adios, amigos!

The magnificent Andes are spectacular and beautiful. They stretch out for miles and miles peaking into the sky in different colors and shapes.

Los Andes son magníficos, bellos, y espectaculares. Las montañas se extienden por millas y millas, y alcanzan los cielos en diferentes colores y formas.

A gorgeous 12km, partly downhill, run took us to the Argentinian check point.

Corrimos 12 km cuesta abajo hasta llegar a la frontera entre Argentina y Chile.

At the visitors center at the trail head to the mighty Aconcagua (22,841 feet elevation) tourists held the Peace Torch.

Turistas sostienen la antorcha en el centro de visitantes de la gran cima de Aconcagua (22,841 pies de elevación).

Aconcagua in the back

La cima de Aconcagua detrás.

Welcome to Argentina!

Bienvenidos a Argentina!

Boijayanti, from Puerto Rico, enjoys a scenic run. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky.

Boijayanti, de Puerto Rico, disfruta de un bello día sin una nube en el cielo.

Mariana, our local coordinator in Argentina, carried the Peace Torch. She was so happy!

Mariana, nuestra cordinadora local de Argentina, sostiene la antorcha. Estaba tan feliz!

Fall colored the trees in beautiful tones of yellow and orange!

The team ended their run in Uspallata.

Locals offered their hopes and dreams for peace.

Torch carried by
Anita Ramljak (Croatia), Atul Arora (India), Banshidhar Medeiros (United States), Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo (Puerto Rico), Carlos Albero Ramos De La Vega (Guatemala), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Istidad Hernandez (Guatemala), Mariana Mosquera (Argentina), Nikolaus Drekonja (United States), Santiva Morrison (United States), Shumbhani Juarez (Guatemala), Udayachal Šenkýř (Czech Republic), Vaibhava Kuschnow (Austria).  
Vaibhava Kuschnow
The torch has travelled 105.0 km from Los Andes, Chile to Uspallata, Argentina.

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