Svi. 16, 2024 Live from the road


Reported by Devashishu Torpy 2.0 km

A beautiful sunny day along the Seine

Notre Dame is still undergoing it's renovation

The team are guided up the steps at Montmartre by Diane de Navacelle de Coubertin.

Diane carries the torch through the streets of Montmartre, a district famous for artists and musicians, and the old windmills.

A couple visiting from China share a message of Peace.

Visitors from Belgium offer a silent prayer for Peace.

A moment of Peace in Pigalle.

Diane offers the Peace Run the first copy of her new book about her great grand uncle, Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games.

After the run through Montmartre, Diane invites the team to a performance of Inclusive Dance. Diane has helped to develop this performance with the troupe, based on Beaudelaire's observations of beauty.

Sophie (left) is the choreographer. The dancers come from Gabon, Cameroon, Taiwan, Australia, Belgium, Greece and France.

The dancers offer their own messages of Peace.

Peter Schifrin (top left in the blue shirt) competed for the USA in the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. He was a fencer. Peter reminds us that up until 1948, Olympic medals were given not only to athletes but also to artists. Pierre de Coubertin valued the connections between art and sports.

Our two Parisian Peace Runners, Menaka from Algeria and Jayasalini from Russia, offer a final prayer for Peace to close the day.

Torch carried by
Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Diane De Coubertin (France), Jagari Lok Dessallien (Canada), Jayasalini Abramovskikh (Russia), Menaka Ait Ouyahia (France), Padmasini Guillet (France), Pranayani Schuringa (Netherlands).  
Devashishu Torpy, Jagari Lok Dessallien, Menaka Ait Ouyahia, Padmasini Guillet
The torch has travelled 2.0 km in Paris.

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