Jan. 27, 2018 Live from the road


Reported by Suhasini Septiarini 1.0 km

One beautiful Saturday morning, Peace Run team went to Beraban Village. Two elementary schools were waiting for us. Our local coordinators, Bapak and Ibu Semendra, fondly held the Peace Run.

Pada hari Sabtu pagi yang indah, tim Peace Run datang ke Desa Beraban. Ada dua sekolah dasar yang sudah menanti kami. Koordinator Peace Run untuk Desa Beraban, Bapak dan Ibu Semendra, dengan senyuman hangat mengantar kami ke sekolah pertama.

Bapak Wayan Sudiarka, the head master of SD Negeri 1 Beraban, welcoming us all at the school gate.

Obor Kedamaian diterima oleh Kepala SD Negeri 1 Beraban, Bapak Wayan Sudiarka.

Bapak Semendra is the first graduate of SD Negeri 1 Beraban. His parents together with the elders took the initiative to built a school in 1955 because of their love and concern for education.

Bapak Semendra adalah almamater SD Negeri 1 Beraban angkatan pertama. Sekolah ini dibangun pada tahun 1955 atas kepedulian orang tua Bapak Semendra dan para sesepuh desa.

The children could not wait to meet us.

Lambaian bendera Merah Putih di halaman sekolah.

Their warm smiles immediately caught our heart.

Senyuman ramah anak-anak.

Young girls wearing simple Balinese attire performed a welcome dance called Panyembrahma. After that another group of children performed aerobic dance, Senam Maumere.

Acara dimulai dengan tarian Panyembrahma dan setelah itu sekelompok anak menampilkan Senam Maumere.

We had a wonderful Peace Run ceremony and shortly after that we passed the torch.

Setelah memperkenalkan program Peace Run, anak-anak bergiliran memegang obor.

Sincere peace wishes.

Berdoa dengan tulus untuk kedamaian.

The best moments.

Momen terindah.

Shishir Pauk from Canada presented an artwork by Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy, entitled "Earth" to the school.

SD Negeri 1 Beraban menerima lukisan karya Sri Chinmoy "Earth".

As you can see, we had lots of fun.

Saatnya berpamitan.

The next school, SD Negeri 3 Beraban, was close by.

Sekolah kedua SD Negeri 3 Beraban.

Upon arrival at the second school, we were greeted by the dancers. They carried out two performances, tari Panyembrahma and tari Joged.

Kami disambut oleh para penari dan penabuh yang menampilkan tari Panyembrahma dan tari Joged. Tidak ketinggalan aksi MC cilik berbahasa Inggris memberikan sambutan kepada tim Peace Run.

It was time to play guessing game. Budi gave out the clue first.

Saatnya presentasi di hadapan anak-anak.

Cok Eka was so thrilled because one the students could guess where she was originally from.

Cok Eka berinteraksi dengan anak-anak.

"It is so cold in my country, below 40 degrees" Shishir told the students. "It is located north of America" then he added.

Giliran Shishir sekarang!

We put up three cute skits and taught the children the World Harmony Run song on the spot.
At the end of the ceremony, Shashibala presented an artwork 'Peace is Precious' by Sri Chinmoy

Para pelari juga menampilkan drama pendek serta tidak lupa mengajari anak-anak lagu 'World Harmony Run'.
Shashibala menyerahkan lukisan karya Sri Chinmoy "Peace is Precious" untuk sekolah.

"Thank you for coming to our school. From now on we will continue sharing peace, love and oneness from deep within our heart to the world" said Bapak Suarca, the head master.

"Terima kasih sudah datang. Mulai dari sekarang kami akan terus membagikan semangat kedamaian, kasih dan rasa kesatuan dari dalam hati kami kepada dunia," kata Bapak Suarca, kepala sekolah SD Negeri 3 Beraban.

Every body wanted to hold the torch.

Bergiliran memegang obor.

Peace begins with me.

Kedamaian dimulai dari diriku sendiri.

There shall come a time
When all children of the world
Will enjoy one thing:

--Sri Chinmoy

Peace begins when we grow into an endless smile.
--Sri Chinmoy

--Sri Chinmoy

Finally, the students joined us running to the school gate.

Berlari bersama menuju gerbang sekolah.

Thank you all and we hope in the future we can come back to Beraban!

Terima kasih semuanya, semoga bisa datang lagi ke Beraban!

Special thanks to Bapak and Ibu Semendra's family for an array of local-home made vegetarian food. Yummy!

Terima kasih kepada keluarga Bapak dan Ibu Semendra atas jamuan makan siangnya. Enak!

Our last final photo with everyone!

In life only one thing matters
 Peace, once we have,
We need nothing more.
--Sri Chinmoy

Foto bersama!

Torch carried by
Akshada Aryati (Indonesia), Budi Arsawan (Indonesia), Eka Asrini (Indonesia), Ella Laila Damayanti (Indonesia), Endang Suhesti (Indonesia), Eni Marhaeni (Indonesia), Hemanka Astawa (Indonesia), Jyoti Yadav (Indonesia), Ketut Sudika (Indonesia), Muneendra Kohout (Czech Republic), Nyoman Sukerta (Indonesia), Pragati Pascale (United States), Shashibala Artini (Indonesia), Shishir Pauk (Canada), Suhasini Septiarini (Indonesia), Tjok Istri Ekawati (Indonesia), Wayan Semendra (Indonesia).  
Nityagopal Wirawan
The torch has travelled 1.0 km in DESA BERABAN, TABANAN, BALI.

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