Mei 13, 2019 Live from the road


Reported by Sadanand Magee 6.0 km

Today is a special day in Dublin. Our wonderful international Peace Run team is visiting three schools and will be planting trees as a beautiful symbol for World Harmony.

Our first stop is Dublin 7 Educate together National School.

Sukham from Portugal entertains the children.

Pranayani from the Netherlands balancing on one leg.

We gather outside in the warm sunshoine to prepare the 'Tree for World Harmony' to be planted.

One of the students empties in the first spade full of soil.

Time to give it a good water!

Susan is delighted to hold the torch and accepts a painting entitled 'World Harmony' by Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy on behalf of the school.

The children take a moment to hold the Peace torch.

At Broombridge educate together Varunavi from Switzerland gets ready to carry the torch into the school.

The children take a moment to feel peace and happiness inside their heart.

A peaceful moment.

We dig a hole in a nice sunny spot in the front of the school and ready the second tree of the day for planting.

Max shovels in a big scoop of soil.

A smile says it all.

Each child has a chance to hold the Peace Torch

Glasnevin educate together, the third school of the day.

The children are a bit older in this school and they share some inspiration about how we can work for Peace and Harmony in nature and in the environment.

School Principal Roisin and teacher Colm stand beside the newly planted tree for World Harmony. Roisin has picked a beautiful location by the front of the school which the students and teachers alike will pass each day.

Torch carried by
Agnieszka Sarzynska (Poland), Alex Agarkov (Ireland), Alex Romanova (Ireland), Ambarish Keenan (Ireland), Edwige Cotrel (France), Frederic Ashcharjya Gat (France), Gianluca Marangon (Croatia), Mangala Keenan (Ireland), Natasha Romanova (Ireland), Nha Nguyen (Vietnam), Paula Correia (Portugal), Paula Flood (Ireland), Pranayani Schuringa (Netherlands), Sadanand Magee (Ireland), Sukham da Rocha (Portugal), Varunavi Klabnikova (Switzerland).  
Ambarish Keenan
The torch has travelled 6.0 km in Dublin.

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